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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

When you fall in love with someone, an 8.5 equals a perfect 10.

Playlist pieces

Hoy es un día normal pero yo voy a hacerlo intenso
Hoy puede apagarse el sol pero no la luz de mi alma


I don’t want to feel anything, but I do… and it all comes back to you. ... I refuse to believe that it’s only me feeling.


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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

07 April 2017 Friday

It has nothing to do with who I am

slated in mused, consumed at 2:46 am

Ummm… You didn’t break it, it was only sprained.
What could he have said? She voiced exactly what I’ve wondered too many times.

Reading Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

05 April 2017 Wednesday


I’m installing itunes again. Which I swore years ago I would never do again.
Please have mercy on my soul. And on my poor computer who does not deserve this mistreatment.
I just want my files safe.

slated in consumed at 2:58 am

Apple/iOS has been trying very hard to convince me to dislike and mistrust them, and the team behind the Concepts app have been trying hard, and increasingly succeeding, to convince me I can like and trust them (lost all my files/drawings/notes; still hoping, possible they’re there somewhere just disconnected). Conclusion at this point: I’m not tossing my ipad yet, though my next tablet will likely have to be an Android (with a pen; I love the Apple pencil (I’m still appalled by the limited design thinking though — am really fortunate my ipad case has a magnet I can stick the eraser cap onto while the pencil’s charging)).

With Android, I can set privacy, and set up backups, and access files of individual apps; very basic necessities for a personal/mobile/essential device.

P.S. I tried getting by without using Concepts for a few days, and all the substitute apps just frustrated me. (I use the others at various times, however Concepts is best for me for uniweldly and expansive notes/doodling / thinking-by-pen/through-hand. I’m glad the Concepts team has proven so dedicated and helpful, so I trust them and still hope to retrieve my files, so I can manually back them up (somehow) in the future and carry on using my lovely iPad with frustrating Appleness of it and good Concepts app with pen[cil].

04 April 2017 Tuesday


‪@apple brings me some joy and a lot of grief; the lows are too low. Apple ID, no listing, individual privacy control, no data control.‬

21 March 2017 Tuesday


slated in consumed at 7:37 pm

I’m not sure I’m better about not flinching at things flying directly at my face/eyes, including water. I have become, however, very comfortable spraying Asea into my face with my eyes open. I probably still blink through it out of natural reflex — however I know it’s safer than water and hopefully much of it is getting into my open eyes.

The drawback of this comfort is that, if I’m not paying attention, I am liable to spray other things (like face-refresh toners and leave-in hair conditioners) around or at my face without thinking of closing my eyes! —Which, with anything other than Asea, is pretty disaster (and then I definitely run for the Asea to wash it out.) Very fortunately I use those other spray-type things very rarely, like 1-3 times a year, which also means I tend to have forgotten about the last time I tripped myself up and kept my eyes open while spraying one of those things near me.

Follow-up to https://ferrydust.com/journal/2333/flinch.

20 March 2017 Monday

slated in consumed at 3:56 pm

Sylvia, my first flat-panel monitor, Samsung SyncMaster, 1600×1200 (which resolution was difficult to find for years after), seems to have died. For the past five+ years have had it as the vertical monitor; it swivels so beautifully.. I don’t know when I got it, was sometime before 2006, probably was around the time of Logos. I suppose that’s a decent lifespan, although I’m still disappointed. Will consider replacement. I’m sort of still hoping it will change its mind and turn on in full-working-condition, any moment now…

20 November 2012 Tuesday

Nexus 10 Review

slated in consumed at 11:04 pm

Initial report: I LOVE the Nexus 10.
It is so buttery smooth, fast, lagless.. I went ahead and piled on a reasonable number of apps (reasonable amount for me — not too many by my standards and way too many by most of my friends’) and let a bunch of them keep running in background and had it running constantly for several hours straight and the only snag/slowdown I experienced was a few seconds where the system hung—which then made me realize the device had gotten quite warm and I hastened to stop overburdening it (poor thing, I never let it have a moments’ rest since it got unboxed and charged), and then it cooled down quickly and was perfect again and I haven’t experienced any heating or lag since. I’m going to have to run a factory reset on the Nexus 7 and see if I can get that back to running smoothly again, but I don’t think it ever managed as smoothly and quickly on larger tasks the way this one does… I played Transformers in full HD on the Nex10 and could jump around without any delays or sputtering of any kind. Every pixel lovely.

I need a cover for it asap.. I know exactly which cover I’m getting, but it’s not available yet.

Also, the latest beta version Swype is YAY (Android’s own swipe-style keyboard is a fantastic addition to the stock keyboard, but Swype still is much more practiced,efficient,intelligent).

14 November 2012 Wednesday

Android Jellybean 4.2

slated in consumed at 5:56 pm

My thoughts so far on 4.2 (running on Nexus 7): …

My Nexus 7 review

slated in consumed at 5:05 pm

I can highly recommend the Google Nexus 7; mine is much a part of my daily life.

21 August 2012 Tuesday


slated in consumed at 4:15 am

“You want me on your team! I’m awesome!”

She is awesome and they so should have her on the team.
The things this show gets right, it gets really right.

Everything is safely stored in the Archives