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Playlist pieces

I know,
someday I might be looking around, trying to find some purpose.
Well, purpose can’t be that hard to find, as long as I’ve got the wind, the wind and your love to carry me.


We used to lie side by side; I could cover myself in you..
We used to lie, but I am no longer so wide-eyed and full.


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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

24 November 2008 Monday

My favorite Firefox extensions / add-ons 2008

slated in consumed at 10:51 pm

Firefox 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 (work and home)


  • All-in-One Sidebar opens bookmarks, add-ons, history, etc. in sidebar. I don’t know why this isn’t built-in functionality.
  • Tab Mix Plus has the essential undo-close-tab functionality, session-saver, control of tabs — open new tabs next to the current one, etc..
  • Mouse Gestures Redox lets me roll the mouse buttons/use mouse gestures for navigation. Mouse gestures are totally necessary.
  • Download Statusbar sends downloads to an unobtrusive horizontal bar.. seems really basic but I find it indispensable.
  • Fast Dial is the best menu/homepage of favorite/most-used sites. Very customizable. I advise black background and a smart use of transparency for hover effects.
  • Tree Style Tab makes tabs vertical rather than horizontal. This gives you more vertical space, which is what we’re usually lacking when viewing websites (especially if you have a good-sized monitor/high res), and you can open many more tabs and see them all at once. also allows for heirarchy/child tabs, etc. The default settings were not great for me, but easily changed and beautiful once in place.
  • Greasemonkey is essential for expandability/site-specific tweaks.
  • Stylish is also for site-specific tweaks, etc.
  • Better Gmail 2 is essential for heavy gmail users.. folders4gmail, etc.

My dayplanner's elusive as ever

slated in consumed at 5:59 pm

I’ve been aware that we’re almost into December which is almost into 2009.. but it just hit me a few minutes ago that this = I need a new mini cal (dayplanner).
I want to know why, WHY it is such an uphill battle to purchase my Paperblanks Mini Horizontal Dayplanner each year. Not a single one seems to be on sale yet at Amazon nor B&N.. I see some possible options on two sites, which I may resort to.. But what the heck; why is it so difficult for me to purchase an annual product?

13 November 2008 Thursday

To Blackberry storm or not to...

slated in consumed at 8:21 pm

So, I’m thinking I want a Blackberry Storm. Yes, no, maybe?

Blackberry storm


I’m not inclined to leave Verizon.
I’ve never had a blackberry.
I really like my current Samsung SCH-u40. it’s small and happy in my pocket. but it does not allow me internet access. this is a tragedy. anything larger than my current phone will not fit in my pockets :(
I want to be able to add free/open-source applications. Will the blackberry allow for that?
BB storm has expandable memory slot — as should all small portable devices of a media-playing nature. (microSD. that’s how I fly.)
My understanding is that the Blackberry Storm runs GSM (slot for SIM card). I’ve been waiting for a good world phone…but would it still be locked? that’s no good…
The tactile-feedback touchscreen sounds great, but will I be able to accurately type most things without looking at the phone? I really should be able to…

Current scenario

My family plan currently breaks down as follows:
$60 for first phone and $10 for the next = $70
700 minutes/monthly between the two lines.

11 November 2008 Tuesday

150 List..

slated in mainstream, consumed at 6:46 pm

Bold the ones you’ve done.

01. Bought everyone in the bar a drink
02. Swam with dolphins
03. Climbed a mountain (but not like a real hike with rappelling and stuff. hm)
04. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive
05. Been inside the Great Pyramid
06. Held a tarantula
07. Taken a candlelit bath with someone
08. Said “I love you” and meant it
09. Hugged a tree
10. Bungee jumped
11. Visited Paris
12. Watched a lightning storm at sea
13. Stayed up all night long and saw the sun rise
14. Seen the Northern Lights

04 November 2008 Tuesday

Zora Neale Hurston quotes

slated in consumed at 9:21 pm

Zora Neale Hurston (author of Their Eyes Were Watching God — great book) has some of the best quotes.

One of my long-time favorites is:

Sometimes I feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry. It merely astonishes me. How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company? It’s beyond me.


Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.

No man may make another free.

many more Z.N.Hurstonquotes at about.com

Amazon customer service/return policy

slated in consumed at 6:19 pm

I just have to sing a bit of praise for Amazon’s customer service setup and their return policy/website organization. It’s good. all of it. Actually, it’s great.

24 September 2008 Wednesday

Concert not-short list

slated in consumed at 3:14 pm
  • ray lamontagne at strathmore on 10/14

14 August 2008 Thursday

slated in consumed, mused at 2:05 am

Is I am Legend supposed to be a vampire story? Cuz I don’t see it. I haven’t read the book, though, so perhaps I’m missing the original portrayal? The movie’s definitely not a vampire story. Just because the monsters have sharp teeth and beget other monsters and are hurt by light does not make them vampires.

Very stressful movie. All of it. Lonely and hurt and angry and determined and desperate and hopeful and hopeless.. Always anticipating something monstrous jumping out at any moment.. ruhlly stressful. Moving, though. I’m confused by the end of it. I mean, it ended well…as far as endings go.. But.. I know it’s all “who are we to question” and what not,… I’m not there yet.. ::thinking::

22 July 2008 Tuesday

re: Dark Knight

slated in consumed, mused at 5:00 am

I don’t think it’s ever occurred to me that “laughter” could be turned to “slaughter” with the simple addition of an “s”. That disconcerted me quite a bit, for some reason.
An agent of chaos cannot be viewed with merciful eyes. He’s fascinating, and even appreciable if you can bend your mind around, but he is beyond saving, and an asylum/prison is a silly place to put something that promises itself as an unstoppable force of destruction. It’s not even as simple as kill or be killed, it comes down to something much simpler. He won’t just kill you, he’ll maim, torment, kill, destroy—according to whim and level of chaos factor—your family, friends, city. And you won’t kill him because it’s against your morals? As far as a selfish choice goes…

18 July 2008 Friday

slated in moments, consumed at 8:47 pm

I’ve been turning down chocolate sometimes lately. The universe might implode.

I really like my music.

The single thing I knew about Wanted going into it was that Angelina Jolie is in it.
I enjoyed it. It has its faults, and it’s difficult to properly appreciate a movie while the people you’re watching it with clearly will dislike it throughout, but I’m standing by an overall liking it.

The only thing I know of the Batman movie is what I’ve seen from previews in theaters. That and Heath Ledger = amazing joker.and no longer alive. I think after watching the movie I’m going to especially hope he defies all laws of the universe and turns up alive and well somewhere.

Violin Song’s been running through my head today. especially the mop, and also the hippo and speck of dust.

I am soooo sleepy right now. Ugh. really so much the sleep feeling of the sleep wanting to sleepness.

Everything is safely stored in the Archives