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"He who forgets, will be destined to remember..."

Snow Patrol - Open Your Eyes

All this feels strange and untrue and I won’t waste a minute without you.
My bones ache, my skin feels cold, and I’m getting so tired, and so old.
The anger swells in my guts, and I won’t feel these slices and cuts.
I want so much to open your eyes, ‘cause I need you to look into mine.

Tell me that you’ll open your eyes.

Get up, get out, get away from these liars, cuz they don’t get your soul or your fire.
Take my hand, knot your fingers through mine, and we’ll walk from this dark room for the last time.

Every minute from this minute now, we can do what we like, anywhere.
I want so much to open your eyes, cuz I need you to look into mine.

Tell me that you’ll open your eyes. ...

These lyrics are by Snow Patrol, from Open Your Eyes. Posted at 10:06pm on 31 May 2006.
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