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"He who forgets, will be destined to remember..."

Lori McKenna - You Are Loved

Well I’ll find you on a better day, when wings of yours can fly away.
Sometime when my smile can say all a heart need say.

Well I can find you anywhere; in every life, I’ll find you there.
Just give me time to make it clear, to steal a soul away.

Well I can see the sun in wintertime and I know that you cannot be mine—things left alone are never fine, the world and God above..
Well I wish you all of happiness and I know someday you’ll find success, but find yourself as nothing less and know that you are loved.

The moon and stars sometimes collide so we can see the brighter side.
And giving what we’ve been denied is all a seed need sow, all a heart need know.

Well I can see the sun in the wintertime and I know that you cannot be fine.. things left alone are never fine—the world and God above.
Well I wish you all of happiness and I know someday you’ll find success, but find yourself as nothing less, and know that you are loved.

All of heaven’s goals is all a heart need know.

Well I’ll find you on a better day when wings of yours can fly away..
Sometime when my smile can say all a heart need say.

These lyrics are by Lori McKenna, from You Are Loved. Posted at 7:30pm on 17 July 2006.
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