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"He who forgets, will be destined to remember..."

Anberlin - (The Symphony of) Blase

Are there no shadows where you are?
I can see everything as day —
problems that you try to hide away, pushing me aside ..you’re pushing me aside..

Could the winter calm come twice?
‘cause your heart seems so cold tonight..
Thirst for substance somehow isn’t right;
it’s killing me inside.. it’s killing you inside…
killing me inside.

I don’t wanna be where you are.
I don’t wanna be here even now.
I don’t wanna be by your side if something isn’t right..
something isn’t right.

This is our last goodnight.
Say what you will.. say all that you can..
Words have no meaning when I’ve seen where you’ve been.

This is our last goodnight.
Say what you will.. say all that you can..
This is our last goodbye; this is where love ends.

Are you so naive to right and wrong?
How could you watch innocence forgone?
Does what we’ve done ever really belong?
It wasted me away.. I feel so wasted away.

God if you can hear me out alright, please take these feelings for her inside..
My chest hurts when I breathe tonight..
It’s wasting me away.. you’re wasting me away..
They’re wasting me away.

I don’t wanna be where you are.
I don’t wanna be here even now.
I don’t wanna be by your side if something isn’t right…
something isn’t right.

This is the last.. this is our last…
This is our last goodnight..
Say what you will.. say all that you can..
Words have no meaning when I’ve seen where you’ve been.
…This is where love ends.

These lyrics are by Anberlin, from (The Symphony of) Blasé. The original finding/composition date for this entry is unknown; posted around 8:40am on 1 August 2006.

Comments on Anberlin - (The Symphony of) Blase

  1. Nacho

    I like anberlins' sound, but they pretend to be christian yet none of their songs have any faith in them, nor the sound of redemption..."w/ out faith, it's impossible to please God".

    commented Tue 08 Aug 2006, 8:33:03 PM :: link
  2. Tiffany

    ehmagawsh. this song is sooo like…. good! he he :]]]

    commented Thu 17 Jan 2008, 12:42:54 AM :: link
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