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"He who forgets, will be destined to remember..."

Blue James Band - Going Home

Well I’m hiding away in my foreign space
I’m walking these streets in search of the one for me
maybe to find a different kind of life for me.. for me.

Well I can’t see well I will be, come here to my own.. there’s a possibility well one of you will change me back in my states where I thought I had a plan, but now it seems that I don’t want to go back home
to where all of you
you are waiting.. waiting for me.

Said I don’t want to leave you, no I don’t want to return to my life, my life…

Well the memories that hang inside, they remind me of the better times..
moonlight shine through the room, shadows dancing around you..
All my thoughts they twirl, when all around this world that I must leave some day, oh how would I want to stay here,
where all of you can all see, see me..

Said I don’t want to leave you, no I don’t want to return to my life, my life…


Said I don’t want to leave you, no I don’t want to return to my life, my life…
Said everything for me seems so clear, the excitement burns out my fear, all my future blends and now I have no band wrapped around them.

(I really couldn’t make out several chunks of lyrics… if someone has corrections for me, I would be grateful for them.)

These lyrics are by Blue James Band, from Going Home. Posted at 8:49am on 28 August 2006.
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