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"He who forgets, will be destined to remember..."

Rob Giles - Meds

I could be happy if I take my meds
but I never take my meds
‘cause I’m so happy sometimes
I wanna die

I could be happy if I take my meds
but I never take my meds
‘cause I’m so happy sometimes
I wanna die.

Oh, but that’s just a figure of speech..
Baby don’t you worry ‘bout me
..’Could you worry just a little ‘bout me—please?

I could be happy if I take control
but I’m out of control trying to make believe I’m happy
I, I don’t wanna die.

I could be happy if I take control
but I’m out of control trying to make believe that I,
I don’t wanna die

Oh but that’s just a figure of speech
Baby don’t you worry ‘bout me
but could you worry just a little ‘bout me

‘Cause I get frightened by the sight of a great…
Then again I get frightened by everything.

I won’t do nothing stupid
no I won’t, no I won’t
I could never do nothing stupid
I would never, I would never
God it’s such a pretty day
maybe I’ll go for a drive
I don’t wanna leave the house
I need to do the laundry
I bet I won’t get married
‘cause I don’t deserve love
Own the sins, only sins
Father, God, please forgive me
I should pray more, I should pray more
I should pray, I should pray
I should never have children
I’ll just pass along crazy
I’m not crazy, I’m just sad
it’s a chemical imbalance
they have drugs for these things
I have drugs, I have drugs
I would love a margarita
call a friend, call a friend
I don’t have any friends
I deserve it, I deserve it

This is all in your mind, this is all in your mind
this is all in my mind, this is all in my mind
What am I but my mind? what am I but my mind?
what am I but my mind? what am I but my mind?
what am I but my mind?
What am I, what am I, what am I…...
Why, why, why, why, why, why….

I could be happy if I take my meds
but I never take my meds because I’m so happy.

These lyrics are by Rob Giles, from Meds. Posted at 12:44am on 16 September 2006.
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