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"He who forgets, will be destined to remember..."

Stephen Ashbrook - I Swear

I think I’ve really done it this time.
I’ve never before heard so much pain in a voice.
There’s not a solitary sound coming from your line..
I swear almost died when I heard you crying.
And I know there’ll be fires from time to time,
and everyone says things that they regret sometimes,
but I swear you’re serious this time.
I swear you’re serious this time.

Don’t break up our line.

I think it’s just different this time.
I mean, it’s happened before, but not like this time.
There’s not a solitary sound coming from your line..
I swear almost died when I heard you crying.
And I know there’ll be fires from time to time,
and everyone says things that they regret sometimes.
But I swear you’re serious this time.
I swear you’re serious this time.

Don’t break up our line.

And I know there’ll be fights from time to time,
and everyone says things that they regret sometimes.
But I swear you’re serious this time.
I swear you’re serious this time.

Don’t break up our line
don’t break up our line
don’t break up our line.

These lyrics are by Stephen Ashbrook, from I Swear. Posted at 11:07pm on 24 October 2006.
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