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"He who forgets, will be destined to remember..."

Hugh Moffatt - I Know the Difference Now

I’ve been alone, and lonely,
and I know the difference now.
I know you can hold someone tight in your arms,
and still be alone, somehow.

I’ve been in love, and I’ve made love,
and I know the difference now.
I’ve touched and I’ve felt someone touch me inside,
now that you’ve shown me how.

I’ve watched the distance between us
fading into the night.
And I’ve felt love grow in the darkness
til it was brighter than the morning light.

I’ve had my share of lovers,
but lovin’s so different now.
You touch me and suddenly I’m not alone,
I feel like a lost child who’s finally come home,
and for the first time I feel really alive,
yes and I know the difference now.
For the first time I feel really alive,
yes, and I know the difference, now.

These lyrics are by Hugh Moffatt, from I Know the Difference Now. Posted at 2:52am on 26 January 2007.
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