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"He who forgets, will be destined to remember..."

Le Chevre - Worst Day

Everything gets good one day, things always slowly fade away.
Love don’t get better with time, I’ve found — distance is always lies.
Real things seem to make more sound, even the ___

She has the worst day of her life every day, every day.
I try to tell her it’s alright — ‘never say anything.
She has the worst day of her life every day, every day.
I try to tell her it’s alright — ‘never say anything.

Sometimes putting yourself there is ___ — just look what I did.
It always seems like a great thing, but everything must end.
I know sometimes it feels good, but that should tell you more.
Love really should only be good things, there never should be war.

She has the worst day of her life every day, every day.
I try to tell her it’s alright — ‘never say anything.
She has the worst day of her life every day, every day.
I try to tell her it’s alright — ‘never say anything.
She has the worst day of her life every day, every day.
I try to tell her it’s alright — ‘never say anything.
It’s time to make everything alright, it’s time to start feeling alright,
it’s time to make everything alright, it’s time to start feeling alright,
it’s time to start feeling alright, it’s time to start feeling alright, it’s time to start feeling alright, it’s time to start feeling alright.

These lyrics are by Le Chevre, from Worst Day. Posted at 5:59am on 24 February 2007.
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