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"He who forgets, will be destined to remember..."

Everything counts a little more than we think.

Ada, don’t talk about reasons
why you don’t want to talk about reasons why you don’t wanna talk
Now that you got everybody you consider sharp
all alone, all together, all together in the dark

Leave it all up in the air
leave it all up in the air
leave it all
up in the air

Ada, put the sounds of your house in a song
try to be speechless for a minute
If you think you’re gonna faint, go out in the hallway
let them all have your neck

Ada, don’t stay in the lake too long —
it lives alone and it barely knows you
It’ll have a nervous breakdown and fall
into a thousand pieces around you

Stand inside an empty tuxedo with grapes in my mouth, waiting for Ada
Ada, hold onto yourself by the sleeves —
I think everything counts a little more than we think

Leave it all up in the air
leave it all up in the air
leave it all
up in the air, yeah

Ada, Ada, Ada, Ada, I can hear the sound of your laugh through the wall

Ada, don’t talk about reasons
why you don’t want to talk about reasons why you don’t wanna talk
Now that you got everybody you consider sharp
all alone, all together, all together in the dark

Leave it all up in the air
leave it all up in the air
leave it all
up in the air

Ada, Ada, Ada, Ada, I can hear the sound of your laugh through the wall
Ada, Ada, Ada, Ada, I’ve been hoping you know your way around

These lyrics are by The National, from Ada. Posted at 6:36am on 17 March 2017.
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