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"He who forgets, will be destined to remember..."

Bennington - Gracefully

When a thousand smiles all look the same
where’s the sensitivity in what’s conveyed
Is it a shine to show we look the part
or is it our true blood beating from the heart

Can we ever step out and reach anew
and squash all the bullshit people put us through
— By people I mean, oh wait, me and you
cuz what comes around here still just goes around too

Let it go
Oh let it go…

Let it go of trying to play the part
There’s no need to find who you are — who you are,
difference not fly don’t cover it with scars,

there’s no sign in beauty unless it starts with Be-You

So when you go wrong, invite me to see
with every mistake you can go, go on

So gracefully…
Oh gracefully…heehee, oh hee-ee-ee oh heee, oh heee

Never knew how it felt to be so alive
until I realized to see with real eyes
all the love we can find when our spirits collide
with the mind and the heart that you opened to mine

So when you go wrong, invite me to see
with every mistake you can go, go on

Oh gracefully

So gracefully hee-ee oh hee-ee-ee, oh hee, oh hee
So gracefully hee-ee oh hee-ee-ee,
gracefully, oh hee
So gracefully hee-ee oh hee-ee-ee gracefully-hee oh hee-ee
So gracefully hee-hee-ee oh hee-ee-ee gracefully oh hee-ee
(So gracefully)

These lyrics are by Bennington, from Gracefully. Posted at 8:59pm on 2 December 2017.
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