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"He who forgets, will be destined to remember..."

Don Henley - Everything is Different Now

I hate to tell you this: but I’m very, very happy. And I know that’s not what you’d expect from me at all. I’m not the kind to smile and bow out gracefully—I always wanted to take it to the wall.

But I found somebody with a heart as big as Texas. I found an angel with the golden wing. She saw me down here in the dark somehow, and everything is different now.

Yeah I miss the old crowd sometimes and the wild, wild nights of running—you know a starving soul can’t live like that for long. You go around in circles that just keep getting smaller; you wake up one morning and half your life is gone.

I got so tired of that; I got so lonely. I dropped down and I called out to heaven: ‘Send me someone to love.’ Heaven shot back: ‘You get the love that you allow.’ And everything is different now.

And it’s sweet to know: the wisdom that living brings… since I got a telegram from the God of simple things.

She said, ‘I don’t care what you do for a living. I don’t care what kind of car you drive. All I wanna know right now is: what do you believe in; what it means to you to be alive.

‘Will you stand here in this fire with me? Are you ready for another life?’ I bit that bullet, I took that vow, and everything is different now.

Everything is different now.

These lyrics are by Don Henley, from Everything is Different Now. Posted at 7:11pm on 30 May 2005.
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