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"He who forgets, will be destined to remember..."

Kings of Convenience - Misread

If you wanna be my friend, you want us to get along..
please do not expect me to wrap it up and keep it there..
a observation i am doing could easily be understood as cynical demeanor..
but one of us misread.. what do you know.. it happened again.

A friend is not a means you utilize to get somewhere..
somehow I didn’t notice friendship is an end.
What do you know, it happened again

How come no one told me: all throughout history, the loneliest people were the ones who always spoke the truth, the ones who made a difference by withstanding the indifference
I guess it’s up to me now.. should I take that risk or just smile?

What do you know.. it happened again.
What do you know

These lyrics are by Kings of Convenience, from Misread. Posted at 12:19pm on 4 February 2006.

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