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"He who forgets, will be destined to remember..."

Jimmy Eat World - Always Be

Could’ve been a night like any other —
one of us has to drive, one of us gets to think.
I’ll force a laugh to break the silence;
it’s gonna get harder still, before it’s easy.
You can’t keep safe what wants to break.

I’m alone in this;
I’m all as I’ve always been —
right behind what’s happening.
She’s all lost in this, she’s all like she’ll always be —
a little far for me to reach.

I was just a boy like every other:
I thought I was something fierce, I thought I was ten times smarter.
Love would be something that I just know
(something I just know)
— how you gonna know the feeling til you’re lost it?
I’ve been losing plenty since.

I’m alone in this;
I’m all as I’ve always been —
right behind what’s happening.
She’s all lost in this, she’s all like she’ll always be —
a little far for me to reach.

Maybe something else I’m missing —
something good and you’re the reason;
It’s a dream but there’s a real world waiting.

I’m alone in this;
I’m all as I’ve always been —
right behind what’s happening.
She’s all lost in this, she’s all like she’ll always be —
a little far for me to reach.

These lyrics are by Jimmy Eat World, from Always Be. Posted at 12:56am on 1 June 2008.
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