Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

“The truth is that we live out our lives putting off all that can be put off; perhaps we all know deep down that we are immortal and that sooner or later all men will do and know all things.”

Playlist pieces

we’ve got a little world of our own


Ah the first summer of love was here when I was much too young
ah the first summer of love was clearly just a summer long


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ali: think think think!
NDN: < thinking >

ali, NDN 6Jun01 #link

Yumxxx (8:02:36 PM): i guess it makes u feel like a big shot. trying to make me jealous. working, it is not.

Yumxxx 5May01 #link

“I never mock you.”

Amit 5May01 #link

“I would hate to be a human sacrifice.”

Yan 5May01 #link

“bored bored bored, border than bored…”

Joe 5May01 #link


Nathan J. 5May01 #link

“you take off YOUR shoes”

Prabhu 4Apr01 #link

“What the bleeding hell is wrong with you bloody women?!”

'Spike' 4Apr01 #link

“are u disrepecting cheese wedges?”

Joe 3Apr01 #link

Angry Broccoli, The Sarcastic Toaster, and The Screaming Tomato. Never before has a more powerful, mysterious, myopic team of appliances and cooked vegetables been assembled.

Joe 1 comment 3Mar01 #link

“not a big fan of the gstring. it’s like nakedness except the stupid thing is in the way”

ndn #link

Recently, it has been brought to attention that my info makes no sense. I have thought about this a lot and I have come to a climatic realization, that being … “I know.”

Joe 2Jan01 #link

“Hm. I look pretty good right now. :) Good job Gap.”

tread 1 comment 1Jan01 #link

“I think the Care Bears were cannibals, weren’t they?”

tread #link

“Happy Bir…. Bless you!” (after Harold sneezed)

tread #link

“I wouldn’t want a robot girlfriend….well maybe just for sex….Wait, NO! I didn’t say that! No, you can’t write that down because I never said it! $%@& YOU!” (over the phone)

“When you’re Hispanic you’re allowed to make fun of other Spanish cultures!”

tread #link

“No I’m not sterile today”

tread #link

Rxxx: you are dealing with a Genious!

Rxxx #link

What the hell is with girls wearing those white puffy jackets. They look like friggin marshmellows. I’m going to be hungry one day and take a bite out of someone or maybe set them on fire and toast em. Just a thought.

Joe 12Dec00 #link
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