Playlist pieces

You drop a coin into the sea and shout out, “Please come back to me”


“they say that i can move the mountains and send them falling to the sea. they say that i can walk on water if i would follow and believe with faith like a child.”

Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map

The more devoted, the more reason to lie.

Cameron, Elizabeth, Stacey, James - House, M.D. season 2, ep. 10,11 14Sep06 #link

Could you add some toothpaste [to the smoothies]?

Dad 12Sep06 #link

I get up in the morning and think, “banana”.

Dad 12Sep06 #link

House, M.D.: — You have little people inside you.

Gregory House - House, MD 6Sep06 #link

It’s Morning Dove past American Robin.

H. 5Sep06 #link

We didn’t pray hard enough.

Mom 1Sep06 #link

I think the problem is that you can’t tell by smelling it whether you’re about to eat it, or that its already been eaten (quite some time ago) by someone else.

[re: durian]

ae 30Aug06 #link

alicson: saw Pirates of the Carribean2
ae: dead man’s chest huh
i saw that a lot as [a medical] intern — dead women’s chest too —

ae 28Aug06 #link

Calvin: I’m a misunderstood genius.

Bill Watterson - Calvin & Hobbes 26Aug06 #link

I’m [sic.] just kamikaze style my way

ae 25Aug06 #link

The Weepies…are the huggable puppies of bands.

tread 24Aug06 #link

Let sleeping mommies lie.

Dad 24Aug06 #link

Samuraibxxxx: so how fat have you gotten?

Samuraibxxxx #link

“Our forefathers died for the pursuit of happiness. Not for the sit around and wait for happiness.”

Malcom's oldest brother - How I Met Your Mother 2Aug06 #link

Without you I’m just the Dynamic Uno.

Barney - How I Met Your Mother 4 comments 2Aug06 #link

“Hungry. Open mouth. Swallow” or something inspirational like that

axxx 1Aug06 #link

Mark: /me pours more sunlight gas into your day tank :)

Mark 14Jul06 #link

Wes: Would you like an aspirin?
David: You got one?
Wes: No.

David, Wes - ReGenesis, season 2, ep 8 11Jul06 #link

“gosh, I’m such a hippo.”
“‘cause I’m so hungry hungry…”

Watson 29Jun06 #link

axxxs: don’t call me daughter.. that will be my line

axxxs 29Jun06 #link
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