Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

“The world is too fragile for people to be untrue. There’s too much at stake, and life’s too short for lies.”

Playlist pieces

I breathe by your looks


keep painting those walls a brighter shade of red and gold


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stupid Bush. being all…dumb..and…. stupid.

Axxx 4Nov04 #link

smiley faces are yellow. like asian people.

p.s. i wanna be a tree.

Nybrotherxxxx: punch bugy yello

nybrother #link

don’t befriend anything you can get for sixty cents, be smart and get the king size.

Joe 14Apr04 #link

I have things. They are mine, not yours. My refrigerator is the superior one.

Joe 13Apr04 #link

“i’m driving behind an old guy. why doesn’t he die? this guy doesn’t have that much time left. doesn’t he need to get to where he’s going faster?”

anon #link

“It would be a lot easier to condemn our behavior if it hadn’t been so effective.”

The Beach 14Jan04 #link

“commie latte drinking bastards…and they skimp on the whipped cream too. i asked, ‘can i have more cream?’ they said no. i asked, ‘would you give me more cream if my name were charlie’ they said no. i said, ‘charlie will hear about this’ and left.”

Joe #link

Please, I implore you to tell me… just how is the toast?

Joe #link

eww? you mean you’re not in love with him anymore? ;-)
“no I’ve moved on to bigger, better assholes”

“vive le koobee!”

Aurelie #link

I got a decoder ring in my cereal so y’all better watch out because now it’s decoding time. Yes.

Joe #link

look! i killed a koala! i am king!

:) #link

Arkaeyn ( 1:41:10 AM): you don’t talk to me for months and then it’s a link. This had better be good, missy

Arkaeyn #link

Auto response from alicson: ‘History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.’ ~W.C.

NDN: that’s SIR W.C., and stop stealing my quotes

nostaw: I didn’t say that. those are my initials. stop stealing my initials.

NDN, nostaw #link

“i think Australians, in one form or other, all look like kangaroos.”

Evan/Patrick?: “Cho, you’re gonna live forever!”
Cho: “My back hurts.”

Evan or Patrick #link

“You need an SOPP [sexual-offense prevention policy] release for that chair.”
[re: massage chair (at Haruna’s house)]

Harold sensei #link

BEWARE. evil tab here….

Tim B. (T.A.B.) #link
Everything is safely stored in the Archives