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"He who forgets, will be destined to remember..."

Oleander - Halo

And it’s always little things that to the surface brings the comfort and the pain, the fear inside the smile.

We lose along the way the things we leave behind, along the precipice of things we should not climb.

And I’m the first in line.

There’s an echo round my heart, dragging me down—
beneath the waves and silence I fall.

There’s a halo above my head, spinning me round—‘cause I don’t know if I’m alive or dead.

A dagger in my head, bleeding me dry.

And it’s always little things that to the surface brings the space you need to breathe before the curtain call.

The light that leads the way, before you hit the wall..
The mountain that you climb, just to take a fall—the blind among the blind and I say ..

There’s an echo round my heart, dragging me down—
beneath the waves and silence I fall.

There’s a halo above my head, spinning me round—‘cause I don’t know if I’m alive or dead.

There’s a dagger in my head, bleeding me dry.

And all we have to lose is time.
And what we lose, we leave behind.

Stay around and we will shine.

These lyrics are by Oleander, from Halo. Posted at 6:04pm on 15 June 2006.
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