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"He who forgets, will be destined to remember..."

Over The Rhine - Give Me Strength

Sitting in the rain alone, looking at a place that’s gone,
boarded up my memories, but something’s drawn me here again and I, I cannot leave the past alone.

‘Hoped that I would never find all the shit I left behind,
now I find the child in me is going to remind me that I, I can’t forget my past for long.

So take a look outside yourself and tell me what you see.
I can’t believe that you won’t see the change in me.

Give me strength to find the road that’s lost in me.
And give me time to heal and build myself a dream.
And give me eyes to see the world surrounding me.
Give me strength to be only me.

I don’t want to hear the things you say you know all you’ve redeemed, ’
cause I can’t change what’s come before,
build myself some better dreams and cast off the fear that holds me here.

So take a look outside yourself and tell me what you see.
‘Cause I can’t believe that you won’t see the change in me.

Give me strength to find the road that’s lost in me.
Give me time to heal and build myself a dream.
Give me eyes to see the world surrounding me.
Give me strength to be only me.

These lyrics are by Over The Rhine, from Give Me Strength. Posted at 5:58pm on 15 June 2006.
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