fluffy is the 80gb behemoth, who is controlled by god
[re: his named mac comps setup.. ‘buddha’s the blue/white desktop.. ‘iSexy’s the white notebook]
smadxx: buddha houses a small drive called god, the startup disk… fluffy is the 80gb behemoth, who is controlled by god… and buddha sits on top of hades, where pluto and tyrrany plot together
smadxx: while iSexy is all removed from it
smadxx: drive in isexy is actually called loki, but I find that a silly name to keep on calling it
[i like the name ‘loki’ best o^_^o]
Comments on fluffy is the 80gb behemoth, who is controlled by god
Interesting. Six years later, I named my Nintendo Wii Lokii. ‘more to do with American Gods than 2002 conversation, but I like that all the more.
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