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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”

Playlist pieces

the loving you laters, if at all …
I’m queen of attention to details,
defending intentions if he fails


Were countless hours of pity like a blanket
that covered up the daylight from your soul?


Recent comments

  • on

    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

  • on

    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

  • on

    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

  • on

    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

26 March 2020 Thursday


There is stew on the stove and I’m going to eat it.

13 August 2019 Tuesday

slated in moments, mused at 7:18 pm

Similar experiences, different habits and responses. We are meaning machines. Love is the bridge, choice/personal-responsibility is the power. Happiness is a favorite habit and breathing is a new one of which I will be world+ class. If we’ve really learned it, we can teach it. Best is living it, loving it, together.

Soft plushy coziness

Got cold enough to pull over a soft plush blanket and I’m now surrounded in soft plushy coziness and very happy about it.

09 August 2019 Friday

New Orleans oysters

New Orleans has alll the oysters and many of them have visited my belly and I am a happy.

13 June 2019 Thursday

How did we ever defend ourselves without vacuum cleaners

Little things with tiny legs should not be allowed to move so fast
How did we ever defend ourselves without vacuum cleaners
and sneakers

I thought that crush was gone

Gosh darnit I thought that crush was gone. Fine.

14 May 2019 Tuesday

slated in moments at 11:36 pm

Past Me lowercased things and herself for a looong time. I appreciate that she consciously stopped doing that, at least in text. It’s a visual and marked difference.
(‘Split the difference on the tense.)

Who penned the quote “a difference to be a difference must make a difference”? I don’t know; I like it. I also like “Living is a thing you do now or never—which do you?” That one’s Piet Hein.

The dress I wanted to wear on Saturday, for alllll the previous week, was remarkably hiding on Saturday and turned up only today; it did very good hiding. I wonder where when it wants to be worn instead.

When I decide to bedtime, it’s typically about two hours later that I get myself to bed. Unsolved mystery.

I don’t know how to comment on the show that eeeeveryone is watching and discussing, without a due rant about direwolves.

Still happies: buttered popcorn, baby bunny in the grass, bluebirds of happiness, super soft pants, super soft things, redox molecules, gaming glasses, really raw honey, hellions, calling them hellions.

Passed three sets of hellions on the path home, walking today. And a bluebird that I didn’t quite recognize about midway walk. And a titmouse or two. And woodducklings paddling in the distance with at least half a dozen adult male woodducks about. And babyish bunny, possibly first of the season.

Dear friends are in flight, with family, on their own, planning, smiling, wondering, hoping. And I am late to the early sleeping game I was aiming to play. And I am very well, and happy.

14 January 2019 Monday

slated in moments, mainstream at 5:42 pm

iPad offered me news. It started by telling me about a gun going through an airport undetected by TSA and the nonsense surrounding that; then told me that video games are more available by indie developers now due to accessible game engines; then told me about a gas station police standoff involving gasoline, threat of fire, and a drone delivering a vape pen. What the heck, News! What the heck!

14 August 2018 Tuesday

Hair cut

My hair hasn’t been this short in a long time.

11 August 2018 Saturday

Effective spatial sense

My spatial sense sometimes astounds me with its effectiveness. I wonder where it comes from, and I am very grateful for it.

Everything is safely stored in the Archives