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"He who forgets, will be destined to remember..."

The Rescues - Let Loose The Horses

Let loose the horses, let them run
leave all the silver; we won’t need it when the wind comes

If everything we know all goes up in smoke

Nothing can take me away from you
let it burn down, let it burn down
even if it rips right through
in your arms now, in your arms now

All that we’ve been living for doesn’t matter anymore
My Love, let’s watch it all burn

Grandfather ran guns,
blood spilled in the war
Love is why we’re living
can’t remember what’s worth dying for

If everything we know all goes up in smoke

Nothing can take me away from you
let it burn down, let it burn down
even if it rips right through
in your arms now, in your arms now

All that we’ve been living for doesn’t matter anymore
My Love, let’s watch it all burn

We built these fences with our hands,
in time we’ll tear them down again and start over
we built these fences with our hands,
in time we’ll tear them down again; start over
we built these fences with our hands,
in time we’ll tear them down again and start over
we built these fences with our hands,
in time we’ll tear them down again again again

Nothing can take me away from you
let it burn down, let it burn down
even if it rips right through
in your arms now, in your arms now

These lyrics are by The Rescues, from Let Loose The Horses. Posted at 5:00am on 27 April 2010.
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