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"He who forgets, will be destined to remember..."

Eric Perry and the Digital Silence - Next

Solstice brings the summer blues
khaki shorts and brand new shoes
what else do I have to lose but you?

A loss will set me free and gain some sensitivity and energy
but see where does it really get me?

What good is a unit to an asymmetric eunuch?
What good is a Dick without a Jane?

What good are flowers without the rain?
But then again what good are you without the pain?

The need for something different; I meet girls on the internet
a part of me just died; I bet I’m breathing
The only thing to fear is fearing fear of fearing fear
but I’m afraid that she will never be here
and afraid she’ll never leave

This is Edgar Allen Poe if he composed the music for his text
A B C D E F G H I…who’s next?

Leave your number at the counter, I’ll take care of the rest
A B C D E F G H I…who’s next?

These lyrics are by The Rescues, from Break Me Out. Posted at 12:34am on 13 October 2008.
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