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"He who forgets, will be destined to remember..."

The Fray - Over My Head (Cable Car)

I never knew.. I never knew that everything was falling through.. that everyone I knew was waiting on a queue to turn and run when all I needed was the truth

If that’s how it’s gotta be, it’s coming down to nothing more than apathy. I’d rather run the other way than stay and see the smoke and who’s still standing when it clears..

and everyone knows I’m in over my head, over my head, with eight seconds left in overtime, she’s on your mind, she’s on your mind

Let’s rearrange.. I wish you were a stranger I could disengage.. just say that we agree and then never change. Soften a bit until we all just get along.

But that’s disregard. You find another friend and you discard as you lose the argument in a cable car, hanging above as the canyon comes between

and everyone knows I’m in over my head, over my head, with eight seconds left in overtime, she’s on your mind, she’s on your mind

and everyone knows I’m in over my head, over my head, with eight seconds left in overtime, she’s on your mind, she’s on…

and suddenly I become part of your past, I’m becoming the part that don’t last.. I’m losing you and it’s effortless.

Without a sound, we lose sight of the ground in the throw around..
Never thought that you wanted to bring it down. I won’t let it go down till we torch it ourselves.

And everyone knows I’m in over my head, over my head, with eight seconds left in overtime, she’s on your mind, she’s on your mind.
Everyone knows. She’s on your mind.
Everone knows I’m in over my head, I’m in over my head, I’m over my

Everyone knows I’m in over my head, over my head, with eight seconds left in overtime, she’s on your mind, she’s on your mind

These lyrics are by The Fray, from Over My Head (Cable Car). Posted at 2:22am on 4 February 2006.
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