Playlist pieces

I can be the right notion in the meantime, warm you like the sunshine.
... Stand in the light.


how do you know when to let go?
It’s love that leaves that breaks the seal of always thinking you would be real happy and healthy, strong and calm..


Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map

“The world has the habit of making room for the man whose actions show that he knows where he is going.”

Napoleon Hill #link quotes

nOstaw: baa chew chew ram chew chew eue chew chew.”
alicson: …sounds like Tommy the little steam engine
nOstaw: that could eat babe.

nostaw #link ridiculi

“baby..but don’t you know? together, that mountain doesn’t stand a chance.”

27May03 #link ridiculi

“alicson, you’re fun and fangs all banged up in one.” ~karia

karia #link ridiculi

“i don’t know how to beg, but i’ll learn. i don’t know how to plead, but i will. ..i miss you.”

“Your ridiculousness is getting old….you need more ridiculousness!”

John G. #link ridiculi

That kid in the 80’s show Silver Spoons was cool. Let’s all think how cool he was and then remember. Breath in. Breath out. Now set something on fire that’s not yours. Bliss.

“Here it comes… first day of the week of heck. (I gave up swearing)”


“that love stuff was so sweet it gave me cavities.”

“so, what? is the indian better than the rest of us to have 3 quotes of ridiculousness?”

source: Amit P.’s away message… (the big baby….)

Tim B. #link ridiculi

“i’m not going anywhere. anywhere i go, i’m going with you.”

31Mar03 #link ridiculi

nOstaw: dig.
alicson: hop

nOstaw 28Mar03 #link ridiculi

“I am not available because I am playing your mom that takes up the whole screen.”

flubbaxxx 26Mar03 #link ridiculi

“you’re incredible. and you’re mine.”

24Mar03 #link ridiculi

“anytime i’m not with you, i’m on my way back”

21Mar03 #link ridiculi

“I just want to be julia roberts in pretty woman minus the prostitution”

y.w. 18Mar03 #link ridiculi

“you add shine. you shine. you put a light that wasn’t there before.”

16Mar03 #link ridiculi

standing still is like running on ice—I only gain a little distance when I fall… tired of telling myself it’s okay to be this tired. this sick and tired of the turns the world takes and the people that it makes us be.

Vertical Horizon - Falling Down #link lyrics

A man said to the Universe, “Sir, I exist.”
“However,” replied the Universe, “That fact has not created in me a sense of obligation.”

sc 11Mar03 #link quotes

Yumxxx (8:02:22 PM): for god sakes, pick a screen name already. either you are alicson, or alicson13. in any case, you are not alicson13. you are alicson2. 2 is the number of the counting after one. you hear me. if you do not wish to count alicson, you may be alicson1. other than that, all numbers are outright and therefore not permitted. so pick a friggin screen name and stop taking up an extra line on my online buddy list. you can only have one line at a time mmkay. i still love you though, but i’m going to have to put an end to this.

Yumxxx #link ridiculi
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