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quotes (263)
- in journal
- Accept, Commend, Cherish :: 26/03/2017
- ineffable :: 22/11/2009
- timshel :: 09/11/2009
- Victory and Hope :: 05/11/2008
- no, it belongs to... [1] :: 16/09/2008
- Pocket #3 this week, of the 2nd variety :: 18/06/2008
- what I've learned :: 31/03/2008
- time :: 27/11/2007
- Quotes from The Sandman :: 14/12/2006
- x.quotes from The Beach :: 14/01/2004
- Accept, Commend, Cherish
- in words
- not what you look at, but what you see :: 22/02/2025
- 'Why me?' is not something the universe ever answers. :: 27/10/2024
- Anywhere is too many places :: 02/10/2024
- The present is made possible by the past :: 24/05/2024
- Would apocalypse with :: 31/03/2024
- Change your mind and have a good day :: 12/01/2024
- Our thoughts form the universe :: 26/06/2023
- You drown not by falling into the river :: 20/06/2023
- See yourself for what you are :: 11/06/2023
- Only thing better than a cow is a human :: 26/01/2022
- Emotions are data, not directive. :: 09/07/2020
- Success is not final :: 09/07/2020
- Go forward? Only thing to do :: 25/10/2019
- Between getting your hands dirty :: 09/06/2019
- At the universal level, they are you :: 07/06/2019
- Delight in differences :: 07/06/2019
- By the twenty-fourth century, no one will care :: 07/06/2019
- Nothing IS. Things happen :: 28/05/2019
- UYYF :: 15/05/2019
- Knowledge is finite. Wonder is infinite. :: 19/02/2019
- We are defined by the places we hold in the web of others' lives :: 14/02/2019
- No thing is one thing. :: 23/08/2018
- Imagine possible :: 10/08/2018
- Steven Kotler: Doer and be-er :: 04/05/2018
- Scott Lynch: difficult and impossible very little in common :: 10/04/2018
- men are like solar panels :: 30/08/2017
- without examining evidence :: 20/03/2017
- Everything counts a little more than we think. :: 17/03/2017
- You don't expect a sunset to admire you back :: 16/03/2017
- that betraying me would make a difference :: 16/03/2017
- every weapon I have down to my own eyeteeth :: 16/03/2017
- for a cause :: 11/03/2013
- loving the almost :: 23/02/2013
- Best way to predict the future :: 04/02/2013
- change your picture or change your life :: 25/10/2012
- Can a man still be brave if he's afraid? :: 16/08/2012
- There ain't no journey what don't change you some :: 09/08/2012
- My doctor is an uncut diamond of the first water :: 27/07/2012
- Ubuntu :: 10/07/2012
- Great :: 09/07/2012
- Like trying to remember somebody you never knew :: 12/06/2012
- Progressive realization :: 19/03/2012
- One person can make a difference :: 15/03/2012
- You. :: 10/11/2011
- second best time is now :: 28/04/2011
- should not interrupt the person doing it [1] :: 28/04/2011
- where you slipped :: 22/04/2011
- Disaster strikes :: 12/03/2011
- halfway there :: 19/08/2010
- Love is enough :: 30/03/2010
- shades :: 21/11/2009
- if he wants to :: 21/11/2009
- Booyah :: 09/11/2009
- You are a lifetime's ambition. :: 08/03/2009
- I'm taking that too. :: 02/03/2009
- I wished for you too :: 01/03/2009
- bugger is a noun, git is a sub-standard verb :: 19/01/2009
- Decision commands result :: 06/01/2009
- a love like that lights the whole sky [1] :: 09/11/2008
- the idea a man holds :: 09/11/2008
- normal is a failure of potential [1] :: 18/10/2008
- when you stop drinking... :: 15/10/2008
- "make a wish, even a thought my be sufficient" [1] :: 14/10/2008
- morals are paintings on walls :: 10/10/2008
- we can aspire to anything :: 20/09/2008
- destroy nothing destroy everything :: 22/08/2008
- my story too :: 10/07/2008
- this is how it goes :: 30/06/2008
- dearest friend :: 29/06/2008
- second steps :: 29/06/2008
- leap with all you have [1] :: 22/06/2008
- True love ending [1] :: 22/06/2008
- destiny :: 15/06/2008
- today is a gift [2] :: 15/06/2008
- Other worlds to sing in :: 12/06/2008
- priority vs. option :: 10/06/2008
- you're as happy as the least happy person in the relationship :: 30/05/2008
- life is two things :: 28/05/2008
- we have to be strong :: 16/04/2008
- Will Rogers - even if you're on the right track :: 02/04/2008
- we breathe we pulse we regenerate :: 26/02/2008
- your life is an occasion [1] :: 25/02/2008
- Come to the orchard in spring :: 25/11/2007
- what looks like a cloud is a chance to sell umbrellas :: 09/11/2007
- captain of our ship :: 02/11/2007
- the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing :: 02/09/2007
- make the right things happen :: 01/09/2007
- beware of weak men :: 24/08/2007
- you can't depend on mirrors :: 19/08/2007
- what matters is it did :: 16/08/2007
- Can a man still be brave if he's afraid :: 12/08/2007
- tamed fox :: 12/08/2007
- Alice - which way :: 29/07/2007
- KyleXY: it's the people in our lives :: 13/07/2007
- being someone's friend isn't about what you should have done :: 13/07/2007
- Dumbledore: what they grow up to be :: 11/07/2007
- Dumbledore: choices more than abilities [1] :: 11/07/2007
- MC - better to be inside [1] :: 11/07/2007
- And and. Not either or. :: 09/07/2007
- Our lives begin to end [1] :: 03/07/2007
- the risk to remain tight in a bud :: 03/07/2007
- you get better at it -- if you pay attention :: 23/06/2007
- Commitment is only commitment because it has no expiration date :: 30/05/2007
- doing things changes things [1] :: 30/05/2007
- spiritual being immersed in a human experience :: 25/04/2007
- Men think women are crazy :: 12/03/2007
- You are what you choose to become :: 12/03/2007
- Trip us or trap us :: 29/01/2007
- democracy is a poor system [1] :: 08/01/2007
- your job to let there be light :: 17/12/2006
- light of the truth can be harsh :: 17/12/2006
- anybody who isn't willing to sacrifice for it, is simply not in love :: 28/11/2006
- It's about having people in your life who you love and who love you. :: 09/11/2006
- The workers are actually more important than the work :: 02/11/2006
- run like the wind :: 02/11/2006
- watch where you're going [2] :: 01/11/2006
- The world is too fragile for people to be untrue. :: 14/10/2006
- he loved you. but he didn't give up anything to do it. :: 14/10/2006
- We can't help who we love. :: 14/10/2006
- light itself :: 11/10/2006
- Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it one. :: 08/10/2006
- Change alone is unchanging :: 08/10/2006
- no point in going unless we get what we came for :: 29/09/2006
- Intellectual and moral refinement :: 27/09/2006
- liberty :: 24/09/2006
- Making ammends requires much more than saying I'm sorry. :: 19/09/2006
- 'Independence Day' :: 18/09/2006
- how can I tell what's real? :: 17/09/2006
- Quality really makes a big difference :: 17/09/2006
- Pain makes us make bad decisions :: 15/09/2006
- People want the holes :: 15/09/2006
- love and trust :: 15/09/2006
- Deception is like sabotage :: 15/09/2006
- Clueless :: 15/09/2006
- Universe always settles the score :: 15/09/2006
- show me what you do, and I'll tell you what you believe [1] :: 14/09/2006
- control your actions :: 12/09/2006
- You'd be surprised what you can live with. :: 12/09/2006
- determine right from wrong :: 12/09/2006
- Evil or Human :: 11/09/2006
- Humans are social creatures, bad at relationships :: 11/09/2006
- rather just stay in the dream [1] :: 10/09/2006
- a bright light casts a big shadow [3] :: 10/09/2006
- evil is charming and beautiful :: 10/09/2006
- worst person in the world :: 09/09/2006
- Right and wrong do exist :: 08/09/2006
- you will always get what you've always got :: 06/09/2006
- committing another mistake :: 06/09/2006
- no one commits a mistake knowing it to be one :: 06/09/2006
- The world doesn't go away just because you want it to. :: 06/09/2006
- We can live with dignity; we can't die with it. :: 04/09/2006
- It's not what people say, it's what they do. :: 04/09/2006
- what's important :: 23/08/2006
- Wrinkles remind the soul :: 07/08/2006
- It's you who has to change, not your circumstances :: 07/08/2006
- Beauty is in the soul. :: 07/08/2006
- wanting to be perfect :: 06/08/2006
- every new decision :: 06/08/2006
- Humility isn't actually humility unless :: 05/08/2006
- aging is a privilege :: 04/08/2006
- who you choose to be around [1] :: 04/08/2006
- it has to work :: 04/08/2006
- mistake :: 04/08/2006
- lifetime's shame not to ask :: 02/08/2006
- we see them as we are :: 02/08/2006
- pursuit of happiness :: 02/08/2006
- when you fall in love :: 02/08/2006
- Bernard Meltzer - Forgive :: 01/08/2006
- emotional kaleidoscope :: 31/07/2006
- don't need remedies, need a solution [1] :: 27/07/2006
- Embrace - Ashes :: 25/07/2006
- Albert Einstein - two things are infinite [1] :: 19/07/2006
- be good for something :: 12/07/2006
- what you see :: 12/07/2006
- it all matters :: 10/07/2006
- people can survive the worst things :: 07/07/2006
- long for the endless immensity of the sea :: 06/07/2006
- hands over eyes :: 05/07/2006
- No steam drives...until it is confined :: 30/06/2006
- definition of insanity :: 28/06/2006
- rising every time we fall :: 27/06/2006
- There were no signs :: 27/06/2006
- those who profess to favor freedom :: 27/06/2006
- Know, think, choose, do :: 27/06/2006
- forgiveness :: 27/06/2006
- love belongs to extremes :: 27/06/2006
- D.S. - yes to everything :: 22/06/2006
- mind sees things that are, were, could be :: 21/06/2006
- Joel Garreau - fundamentalism :: 21/06/2006
- Joel Garreau - political divide :: 21/06/2006
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - men will discover fire [3] :: 21/06/2006
- Life's simple. :: 17/06/2006
- Chasing success is like squeezing a handful of water :: 31/05/2006
- Maybe doing nothing's better :: 29/05/2006
- Gaiman and Pratchett - Good Omens [1] :: 07/02/2006
- virus, drug, or religion :: 04/02/2006
- St. Augustine - World is a book :: 12/01/2006
- every moment :: 03/01/2006
- Crash - feel something :: 17/12/2005
- stone age didn't end for lack of stone [1] :: 31/08/2005
- Albert Einstein - Imagination [1] :: 19/08/2005
- Robert Louis Stevenson - Idleness :: 17/08/2005
- Tom Hodgkinson - clocks and alarms :: 17/08/2005
- Maya Angelou - never forget feel :: 16/08/2005
- sophie irene loeb - platonic friendship :: 16/08/2005
- Tell me who your friends are, and I'll know who you are. :: 14/07/2005
- to love and be loved :: 05/07/2005
- I said do as I say :: 05/07/2005
- ordinary people will do extraordinary things :: 05/07/2005
- caesar liked brutus :: 05/07/2005
- Context trumps content :: 02/07/2005
- George Bernard Shaw - If you have an apple :: 02/07/2005
- difference between men and boys :: 16/06/2005
- things in life will catch your eye [2] :: 15/06/2005
- hope is like a road in the country [1] :: 30/05/2005
- Wars not make one great :: 02/05/2005
- Believing the Big Lies [1] :: 02/05/2005
- x.desire is desire :: 14/01/2004
- I believe in paradise :: 14/01/2004
- no such thing as a mistake :: 11/11/2003
- it may not always be so;and i say :: 10/09/2003
- André Gide: lose sight of the shore :: 09/09/2003
- God does not preceed life :: 09/09/2003
- Napoleon Hill: world has the habit of making room :: 07/07/2003
- Sir, I exist :: 11/03/2003
- Thomas Szas: serenity, that nothing is :: 03/03/2003
- Are you a God? :: 03/03/2003
- no one is perfect until you fall in love with them [4] :: 03/03/2003
- secret of good sermon :: 03/03/2003
- How can anybody deny themselves the pleasure of my company? :: 03/03/2003
- Ryokan: a single path :: 01/01/2003
- Browning: Man's reach should :: 01/01/2003
- George Burns: only one drink to get me drunk :: 01/01/2003
- Eleanor Roosevelt: rose named after :: 01/01/2003
- going to church, car [1] :: 01/01/2003
- Bill Watterson: I demand euphoria! :: 26/11/2002
- Bill Watterson: real skills , like procrastinating and rationalizing :: 26/11/2002
- Bill Watterson: finding a cure for jerks :: 26/11/2002
- Man of La Mancha: To Dream the Impossible Dream :: 07/07/2002
- Washington Irving: Little minds are tamed :: 03/03/2002
- Anyone can be passionate :: 02/02/2002
- We need people in our lives with whom... :: 02/02/2002
- Piet Hein: living is a thing you do :: 02/02/2002
- Q: it's not a superiority complex :: 02/02/2002
- If an American jumps out of an airplane :: 02/02/2002
- to imagine your facts is... :: 02/02/2002
- If we do what is necessary :: 02/02/2002
- something you would die for :: 11/11/2001
- You Don't Know What Love Is :: 08/08/2001
- Robert Ebert: together, we ... :: 07/07/2001
- Jorge Luis Borges: Procrastination :: 13/05/2001
- socrates: the unexamined life is not worth living :: 02/02/2001
- shakespeare: to thine own self be true :: 01/01/2001
- not what you look at, but what you see