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ridiculi (387)
- in journal
- 2009-04-15 [1] :: 15/04/2009
- you are the happy :: 15/07/2008
- The Pink Tie :: 15/05/2008
- trampled in middle school :: 16/04/2008
- 2009-04-15 [1]
- in words
- Would apocalypse with :: 31/03/2024
- I am epic :: 30/08/2018
- Lies are like tigers :: 10/08/2018
- Head down messes with the crown :: 05/08/2018
- Hello dragon we gonna fight :: 24/07/2018
- popcorn on stove is :: 19/01/2018
- official sidekick :: 18/01/2018
- Torchwood + Spike love :: 21/06/2017
- there's someone like you :: 11/06/2017
- no it's really quite annoying :: 11/06/2017
- happy wife happy life no need to use a knife :: 02/05/2017
- emotionally advanced :: 21/03/2017
- The Chairs Scene :: 16/03/2017
- Instead of pockets... [1] :: 01/03/2013
- you might be mixing up you and God again :: 04/02/2013
- Calico Tom Vane :: 14/01/2013
- People are stupid when they're young :: 24/12/2012
- I'll have your back either way :: 24/12/2012
- on the other hand, dragons :: 08/11/2012
- Small things :: 16/10/2012
- jog walk jog walk :: 13/08/2012
- don't have accent :: 15/07/2012
- likable liquor :: 18/06/2012
- Ponies :: 15/05/2012
- Bridge to Terabithia :: 19/04/2012
- six happy faces :: 10/04/2012
- accidental psycho killer :: 31/03/2012
- packaging tape :: 16/03/2012
- not sure I'm not the universe [2] :: 24/10/2011
- yummy ramen :: 19/10/2011
- cheeks hung up :: 05/07/2011
- dollar signs are in my eyes. :: 02/06/2011
- playing a childish game :: 16/03/2011
- ferrydust on my shirt :: 17/10/2010
- Voltaire :: 15/09/2010
- is it good? I didn't fall out of my seat... :: 19/03/2010
- i.e. you're fat. :: 24/02/2010
- new fridge days :: 17/02/2010
- I was the this really is kinda sad :: 03/02/2010
- social suicide in kindergarten :: 23/11/2009
- you're too mixed :: 13/11/2009
- don't care about her :: 11/11/2009
- fractal polygon :: 10/11/2009
- emasculate before 10am :: 13/10/2009
- pockets in your dresses :: 29/06/2009
- why is it so hard to get answers out of you, woman? :: 18/06/2009
- wtf your wtf :: 12/06/2009
- mountains in a sea of molehills :: 04/06/2009
- replacing pants is magical :: 24/04/2009
- sour my palate to please the kimchi :: 02/04/2009
- babushka doll of procrastination :: 20/03/2009
- Why are you sad?? you're dumb! :: 20/03/2009
- guaran-god-damn-dee :: 16/03/2009
- I can win at comic books. :: 13/03/2009
- heart just invaded my left lung :: 10/03/2009
- your facebook says you like merlot but your tumblr says you like malbec :: 08/03/2009
- my love relocates mountains and pays parking tickets :: 05/03/2009
- Babies are touch-sensitive -- like an ipod. :: 05/03/2009
- steinbeck named his truck :: 02/03/2009
- ick ick ick and get pizza :: 02/02/2009
- don't think. hug. :: 19/01/2009
- When life gives you lameness, you gotta make lamenade. :: 18/01/2009
- mashed potatoes are better than vodka :: 20/12/2008
- Maybe your parents should have used web safe colors. :: 29/10/2008
- world without spellcheck :: 03/10/2008
- t61 is stressful :: 24/09/2008
- song love [1] :: 23/09/2008
- reviving kanye :: 19/09/2008
- excuses to drink :: 05/09/2008
- muffin never pleased :: 04/09/2008
- knowing is half the battle. the other half is... :: 04/09/2008
- what are they chanting :: 04/09/2008
- smiles ftw :: 03/09/2008
- s words that are good :: 18/07/2008
- browser goes boom :: 17/07/2008
- welcome to DC :: 16/07/2008
- don't honk at us :: 15/07/2008
- I will never die :: 14/07/2008
- starships go pew pew :: 11/07/2008
- okay isn't good :: 11/07/2008
- unraveling of the universe :: 09/07/2008
- visiting me or my toes :: 02/07/2008
- you think he's acting strange :: 29/06/2008
- real and absurd randomly :: 25/06/2008
- how nice people think :: 25/06/2008
- Obamanation :: 11/06/2008
- enjoy my fresh new bed linens :: 28/05/2008
- excuses :: 28/05/2008
- by relative measure, that's almost like being nice :: 28/04/2008
- wants to eat my emails and deceptively deciptivize everyone [1] :: 22/04/2008
- I'm like a book [1] :: 17/04/2008
- where is your snake? under the rock. :: 03/04/2008
- if I had five espresso shots :: 20/12/2007
- joked that she wanted a Movado watch :: 26/11/2007
- what's a chumby? :: 24/11/2007
- year is almost over, but only Tuesday :: 13/11/2007
- girliest looking thing :: 08/11/2007
- b: I wanna jump on that :: 01/10/2007
- TN: George Will hates us :: 16/07/2007
- seamus: and fish is delicious :: 14/07/2007
- resilient tushy :: 07/07/2007
- instead of epic items, I save something I love [3] :: 28/06/2007
- Jon - precious foobar :: 14/06/2007
- a guy you'd fall inlove with :: 17/05/2007
- It wasn't widdle. :: 25/04/2007
- Chinese people are Borg [1] :: 25/04/2007
- net nanny fire fence :: 27/03/2007
- it's going to be really hard to scoop ice cream [1] :: 27/03/2007
- choo, choo! :: 26/02/2007
- DHS vs. DHL :: 15/12/2006
- money can't buy love :: 14/12/2006
- you cannot make someone love you :: 12/12/2006
- involved or committed? ham or eggs? :: 10/11/2006
- He just has to be some kind of a moron. :: 09/11/2006
- tread quotes are undeniably funny :: 02/10/2006
- I'm a sucker for girls named alicson :: 29/09/2006
- I need to kiss your baby. :: 27/09/2006
- stud finder :: 20/09/2006
- how can I tell what's real? :: 17/09/2006
- Do you know how awesome that would be? :: 16/09/2006
- Failure to Communicate; Need to Know :: 14/09/2006
- can you add some toothpaste :: 12/09/2006
- I think banana :: 12/09/2006
- You have little people inside you :: 06/09/2006
- It's Morning Dove past American Robin. :: 05/09/2006
- We didn't pray hard enough. :: 01/09/2006
- re: durian :: 30/08/2006
- dead man's chest :: 28/08/2006
- I'm a misunderstood genius. :: 26/08/2006
- kamikaze style my way :: 25/08/2006
- huggable puppies of bands :: 24/08/2006
- Let sleeping mommies lie. :: 24/08/2006
- how fat have you gotten :: 17/08/2006
- pursuit of happiness :: 02/08/2006
- without you I'm just the dynamic uno [4] :: 02/08/2006
- hungry. open mouth. swallow :: 01/08/2006
- pours more sunlight gas :: 14/07/2006
- would you like an aspirin? :: 11/07/2006
- hungry hungry hippo :: 29/06/2006
- don't call me daughter :: 29/06/2006
- starts with an A :: 27/06/2006
- bxxx - :( is the realest :: 23/06/2006
- D.S. - yes to everything :: 22/06/2006
- taking charge of a situation :: 12/06/2006
- figurative sheet of loose-leaf :: 12/06/2006
- what am I supposed to be on? :: 09/06/2006
- Kimley - be happy my little dumpling :: 04/02/2006
- Pitch Black - Looks clear :: 11/12/2005
- the island - what's god :: 11/12/2005
- gxxx: life is uncertain. eat icecream first. :: 01/09/2005
- Junhoe - kids and dogs :: 18/08/2005
- r***: huge pyramid of me's :: 08/07/2005
- I said do as I say :: 05/07/2005
- Cancer :: 19/06/2005
- difference between men and boys :: 16/06/2005
- exhales on fingernails, wipes fingernails on shirt :: 10/06/2005
- cxxx: I can discipline as I do my hair. :: 30/05/2005
- lorita :: 30/05/2005
- cxxxw: whores can't press charges :: 30/05/2005
- cxxx: capital L :: 30/05/2005
- Butters: Loo-loo-loo [7] :: 20/05/2005
- Ralph Wiggum: Oh boy sleep :: 20/05/2005
- ??cxxx:?? two men in asia that miss you :: 20/05/2005
- Mxxx: sun perfectly aligned itself :: 16/05/2005
- con-ponents [1] :: 03/05/2005
- riding on you :: 03/05/2005
- Mxxxr: guys dig machines with sexy names :: 02/05/2005
- Colxxx, jumxxx: final exam calculated [1] :: 10/03/2005
- ericxxxxx: you're like a ninja with a kite :: 09/03/2005
- matt: awesome winword [1] :: 04/03/2005
- nostaw: sore throats porcupine :: 18/02/2005
- Watson: year of the rooster [1] :: 08/02/2005
- Turkey soup could make the world a happier place :: 27/11/2004
- well I started wit froot loops [1] :: 20/11/2004
- Victor: I rule. [1] :: 16/11/2004
- you've got to think of VA as two states :: 16/11/2004
- Victor: It must suck to be a Nazi :: 14/11/2004
- NDN, skywalker: mmm... mask diaz :: 09/11/2004
- Remi: I don't mind rambles :: 05/11/2004
- we've shown our electoral genius :: 04/11/2004
- Axxx: stupid Bush. :: 04/11/2004
- i wanna be a tree :: 10/10/2004
- smiley faces are yellow :: 10/10/2004
- punch buggy yellow :: 06/06/2004
- Joe: don't befriend anything you can get for sixty cents get the king size :: 14/04/2004
- Joe: i have things my refrigerator is the superior one :: 13/04/2004
- driving behind an old guy :: 04/04/2004
- it would be easier to condemn :: 14/01/2004
- Joe M: commie latte drinking bastards :: 12/12/2003
- Joe: I implore you to tell me just how is the toast :: 11/11/2003
- vive le koobee :: 11/11/2003
- moved on to bigger, better assholes :: 11/11/2003
- Joe: i got a decoder ring in my cereal now it's decoding time :: 08/08/2003
- look! i killed a koala! i am king! :: 07/07/2003
- Arkaeyn: you don't talk to me for months and then it's a link :: 07/07/2003
- Stop stealing my quotes, stop stealing my initials :: 07/07/2003
- Gwen: Australians all look like kangaroos [2] :: 07/07/2003
- Evan/Patrick?: Cho, you're gonna live forever :: 07/07/2003
- Harold sensei: You need an SOPP release for that chair :: 07/07/2003
- Tim B: beware evil tab here :: 07/07/2003
- baa chew chew ram chew chew eue chew chew :: 07/07/2003
- mountain doesn't stand a chance :: 27/05/2003
- karia: alicson, you're fun and fangs :: 05/05/2003
- i don't know how to beg but i'll learn :: 05/05/2003
- John G: your ridiculousness is getting old :: 05/05/2003
- Joe: that kid in the 80's show silver spoons was cool :: 05/05/2003
- first day of the week of heck :: 05/05/2003
- that love stuff was so sweet it gave me cavities :: 04/04/2003
- Tim B: is the indian better than the rest of us to have 3 quotes of ridiculousness? :: 04/04/2003
- i'm not going anywhere :: 31/03/2003
- dig. hop. :: 28/03/2003
- I am playing your mom that takes up the whole screen :: 26/03/2003
- you're incredible and you're mine :: 24/03/2003
- anytime i'm not with you, i'm on my way back :: 21/03/2003
- julia roberts in pretty woman minus the prostitution :: 18/03/2003
- you add shine :: 16/03/2003
- Yumxxx: pick a screen name already :: 11/03/2003
- find a wombat :: 09/03/2003
- what do you mean by seduce :: 06/03/2003
- ab: do you like stuff? :: 04/03/2003
- sequestration is coolness :: 03/03/2003
- w.c.: that love stuff was so sweet :: 03/03/2003
- when you begin to open your heart :: 03/03/2003
- Joe: everyone spurns Frankenberry in favor of Count Chocula :: 03/03/2003
- Joe: little elves please me. thumbs up for those elves. :: 03/03/2003
- hehe. 'come.' :: 03/03/2003
- nostaw: we've run out of racist sayings [3] :: 02/02/2003
- the world could fall apart around us :: 02/02/2003
- A.N: i didn't NOT say that, it was a friend of mine :: 01/01/2003
- she believes love is a form of insanity :: 01/01/2003
- Joe: We live under one King...Larry King :: 01/01/2003
- George Burns: only one drink to get me drunk :: 01/01/2003
- Eleanor Roosevelt: rose named after :: 01/01/2003
- she's a bald irish-woman and second because it's a little ironic :: 12/12/2002
- Bill Watterson: favorite rocketship underpants :: 26/11/2002
- Bill Watterson: I demand euphoria! :: 26/11/2002
- Bill Watterson: real skills , like procrastinating and rationalizing :: 26/11/2002
- Bill Watterson: finding a cure for jerks :: 26/11/2002
- Bill Watterson: i like maxims that... :: 25/11/2002
- little squares of finite joy :: 11/11/2002
- early to bed and early to rise :: 11/11/2002
- Gaiate: don't trust purple-haired priests :: 11/11/2002
- i'm not an angel. you are to me :: 11/11/2002
- Will K: light changed from yellow to red. is it now less delicious :: 11/11/2002
- you have memorable legs :: 10/10/2002
- do the lil bugs bite :: 23/09/2002
- NoStaw: the future wives of watson club :: 09/09/2002
- NDN: a curse upon seth insaaf :: 09/09/2002
- Joe: lie to your plants reprimand accordingly :: 09/09/2002
- nostaw: berto and I were funny people :: 08/08/2002
- if a man speaks in a forest and his wife isn't there... :: 08/08/2002
- JoyServ crying's for babies :: 08/08/2002
- No Staw: I'm gonna go play a game now :: 08/08/2002
- click this to be confused (kan guo lai) [2] :: 08/08/2002
- Overheard at a homeless shelter :: 08/08/2002
- Programming is like sex :: 08/08/2002
- mean anti-Duke signs replaced with diplomatic language :: 08/08/2002
- they do it for beads! :: 08/08/2002
- Gaiate: I'm a bit slap happy right now :: 08/08/2002
- Why did the Chicken Cross the Road :: 08/08/2002
- Joe: Last count of online sinners quoting Dave Matthews :: 08/08/2002
- Joe: Some say I am amusing, others...run over me with their car :: 08/08/2002
- My grandson asked me where he came from :: 07/07/2002
- he says it's irregardless :: 07/07/2002
- Joe: Those bastards who spell cream as creme :: 07/07/2002
- gayly forward :: 07/07/2002
- s.k: i'm a humble man :: 28/06/2002
- Austin: without me....your ego will be the size of NYC :: 06/06/2002
- Jack Handey: Mankind [2] :: 06/06/2002
- micah: i want a japanese boyfriend :: 06/06/2002
- nihon jin dewarimasen! :: 06/06/2002
- NoStaw: here's what you've said :: 05/05/2002
- raymondiouslee: all ladies beware :: 05/05/2002
- a.c.k: good people are gay :: 05/05/2002
- Tim B: skulls it would recognize me if i called it :: 05/05/2002
- ugab: i need to find things to ratchet :: 04/04/2002
- watson: tell him that even though he has a gf now... :: 04/04/2002
- i don't think i'm cut out for this whole 'work' thing :: 04/04/2002
- M.K.: HMPH kinda like humfph :: 04/04/2002
- mitch hedburg: people associate long hair with drug use [1] :: 04/04/2002
- Matt K: I'm so angry at little ice cream sundae joshers :: 04/04/2002
- Amit P: logical fallacy: argumentum ad somethingum :: 04/04/2002
- Matt K: yo yo wiggidy wiggidy whak! poppy goes back! :: 04/04/2002
- Emilie: I doubt I'll die while having sex :: 04/04/2002
- Amit: Invalid Sync :: 03/03/2002
- Joe: punks don't eat my cake :: 03/03/2002
- mind disciplined with spirit :: 20/02/2002
- Q: it's not a superiority complex :: 02/02/2002
- i insist on more daylight. :: 02/02/2002
- On the final exam of a psychology course :: 02/02/2002
- the doom song now :: 02/02/2002
- italian. hispanican. same difference. :: 02/02/2002
- mitch hedburg: fruit on the bottom :: 02/02/2002
- nostaw: you're vagina-enriched :: 02/02/2002
- v.w: if someone can tell me :: 02/02/2002
- Joe M: I want punch and pie :: 02/02/2002
- Lorense: you want to feel my pants? :: 02/02/2002
- Alicson, you are the smartest girl that I know :: 02/02/2002
- Joe: Horoscopes :: 02/02/2002
- I put a button it! :: 02/02/2002
- here's a cookie :: 02/02/2002
- she has a boyfriend. is that gonna matter :: 02/02/2002
- potential for crinklage :: 02/02/2002
- fried banana potassium [4] :: 02/02/2002
- mitch hedburg: that would be cool if you could eat a good food :: 01/02/2002
- huggles :: 13/01/2002
- I hope some animal never bores a hole in my head :: 01/01/2002
- i didn't get tuck-ins when i was in highschool :: 01/01/2002
- w.c.: may flocks of angels leave crummies :: 01/01/2002
- %n is making funny noises :: 01/01/2002
- Hi. :: 01/01/2002
- I am the food stamp pimp. :: 01/01/2002
- fluffy is the 80gb behemoth, who is controlled by god [1] :: 01/01/2002
- boxes or briefs?...not the size of the wand, but the magic :: 12/12/2001
- if i believed everything you say to me :: 11/11/2001
- it's not like i'd ask you fix the fact :: 10/10/2001
- you are utter craziness :: 09/09/2001
- 'Joey' - Thursday, the third day [2] :: 08/08/2001
- angel: i've got you :: 07/07/2001
- skywalker, NDN: who, you, two, blue :: 06/06/2001
- think think think! :: 06/06/2001
- Yumxxx: trying to make me jealous. working, it is not. :: 05/05/2001
- I never mock you :: 05/05/2001
- Yan: hate to be a human sacrifice :: 05/05/2001
- Joe: bored bored bored :: 05/05/2001
- Nathan J.: ;-) :: 05/05/2001
- you take off YOUR shoes :: 04/04/2001
- Spike: What the bleeding hell :: 04/04/2001
- are u disrepecting cheese wedges :: 03/04/2001
- Angry Broccoli, The Sarcastic Toaster, and The Screaming Tomato [1] :: 03/03/2001
- not a big fan of the gstring :: 02/02/2001
- my info makes no sense :: 02/01/2001
- I look good. good job Gap. [1] :: 01/01/2001
- care bears were cannibals :: 01/01/2001
- happy bir..bless you :: 01/01/2001
- wouldn't want a robot girlfriend [1] :: 01/01/2001
- Hispanics are allowed to make fun :: 01/01/2001
- No I'm not sterile today :: 01/01/2001
- you are dealing with a Genious! :: 01/01/2001
- Joe: white puffy jackets :: 12/12/2000
- accursed school! :: 11/12/2000
- spanish soap operas are addicting. Tell me you crazy mexicans! [2] :: 11/12/2000
- Joe: Stock up on carrots :: 11/12/2000
- Joe: tell me of your homeworld Usel :: 11/12/2000
- i'm partial to kiwi strawberry passion :: 10/12/2000
- Joe M: I lead the league in ridiculous! :: 10/12/2000
- I can be crazy too :: 10/12/2000
- S.R.: i said BOO :: 11/11/2000
- Frosting 2:13 :: 11/11/2000
- Eric: i could be playing super mario 3 :: 10/11/2000
- which alicson is this? :: 16/10/2000
- goodbye, my dear arch nemesis. :: 10/10/2000
- she's still very doinkable :: 03/10/2000
- keep all this talk between us :: 01/10/2000
- I was not spazzing out :: 30/09/2000
- green is a great number :: 14/09/2000
- Alexis T: olympics gymnastics events on tv; i'm kind of crazy... i'm so sweet :: 13/09/2000
- the perfect guy is one who can make you cry but never does :: 02/09/2000
- All glory is doomed to fall asunder :: 06/06/2000
- ice cream sundae joshers :: 05/05/2000
- Will K: what a dumb dumb i am :: 05/05/2000
- sometimes i just don't understand you :: 30/04/2000
- I sweat. r. -t :: 30/04/2000
- KNUCKLE! :: 28/04/2000
- xxx left me with quotes the word psycho is now redefined :: 28/04/2000
- man, the clothes don't come off except if you have time, if you've got five minutes :: 15/04/2000
- cafeine and ritalin help me now :: 04/04/2000
- girls are so strange; I don't think I'm a lobster :: 04/04/2000
- Stop assaulting my strawberries! :: 01/04/2000
- not hair proof :: 31/03/2000
- and i talk to myself again. i like to talk to myself. :: 22/03/2000
- doesn't that hurt? Random bob. :: 22/03/2000
- Will K: do you have hamster dance :: 14/03/2000
- thank god for bathrooms! :: 13/03/2000
- Tim B: i WILL not become a Terp Transvestite :: 13/03/2000
- i'm not a cracker...maybe just a cookie :: 09/03/2000
- you know you're in college when you have seven dollars left...girlscout cookies :: 08/03/2000
- it seems like an easy concept to grasp :: 03/03/2000
- alicson, i swear to god...wait. .. i swear to you. :: 03/03/2000
- you're getting random numbers :: 02/02/2000
- Make me one with everything :: 01/01/2000
- you better still be you :: 11/11/1999
- you keep on crashing my computer. :: 10/10/1999
- Would apocalypse with