Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

“Be not simply good; be good for something.”

Playlist pieces

It all depends on whether we are watching it dissolve or fade in and begin.


And I see what you are thinking of me.


Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map

“jog walk jog walk jog walk berry hunting pick me up please!”

13Aug12 #link

“I don’t have accent”

Step Up 3D 15Jul12 #link

All I need is more likable liquor in my life.

D 18Jun12 #link


fr. email re: Katniss in Hunger Games 15May12 #link

“I may as well call you Bridge to Terabithia because you make children cry!”

Jess - New Girl 19Apr12 #link

“You put it up six happy faces—I’ve never put it past three!”

New Girl 10Apr12 #link

“The world can’t stop just because you’re an accidental psycho killer.”

Damon Salvatore - Vampire Diaries 31Mar12 #link

Life would be better if you didn’t let your packaging tape control you.

16Mar12 #link

“For the record I’m not entirely sure that I’m not the universe.”

Happy Endings 2 comments 24Oct11 #link

“I hear I make some pretty yummy ramen…”

19Oct11 #link

“I smiled and my cheeks hung up on you”

5Jul11 #link

“The dollar signs are in my eyes. When I blink, they shine.”

2Jun11 #link

“we could have killed him at least 30 min earlier if some little girl decided sleep was more important than harassing a grown man playing a childish game.”

16Mar11 #link

i feel like i’m walking around with ferrydust on my shirt.

tread 17Oct10 #link

I said, “I need to read Voltaire.” He yelled, “I already read Voltaire now come to bed!” I “O_o”ed. I still need to read Voltaire.

15Sep10 #link

A: Have you been to Restaurant X? Is it good?
D: It’s fair. I didn’t fall out of my seat or anything, but it was decent.
A: At what place have you fallen out of your seat? Due to its goodness?
D: Cluck U’s, but I was pushed.

D 19Mar10 #link

easy on the cookies. you r looking more n more prosperous

JH 24Feb10 #link

Let’s designate Wednesdays as “New fridge days!” and hope the kitchen appliance manufacturers jumps on.

Henrik 17Feb10 #link

“[L] was fine with it.
but [K] was more of the why bother?
and I was the this really is kinda sad.
[A] was TITS

In re: lapdance 3Feb10 #link

“I committed social suicide in kindergarten.”

23Nov09 #link
Everything is safely stored in the Archives