Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

...we must be saved by the final form of love which is *forgiveness*.”


Playlist pieces

when all you gotta keep is strong,
move along move along like I know you do
and even when your hope is gone,
move along move along just to make it through
go on… when everything is wrong, we move along…..


I’ll concentrate on changing ‘cause I’m much too young… to stay this way.


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stupid Bush. being all…dumb..and…. stupid.

Axxx 4Nov04 #link

smiley faces are yellow. like asian people.

p.s. i wanna be a tree.

Nybrotherxxxx: punch bugy yello

nybrother #link

don’t befriend anything you can get for sixty cents, be smart and get the king size.

Joe 14Apr04 #link

I have things. They are mine, not yours. My refrigerator is the superior one.

Joe 13Apr04 #link

“i’m driving behind an old guy. why doesn’t he die? this guy doesn’t have that much time left. doesn’t he need to get to where he’s going faster?”

anon #link

“It would be a lot easier to condemn our behavior if it hadn’t been so effective.”

The Beach 14Jan04 #link

“commie latte drinking bastards…and they skimp on the whipped cream too. i asked, ‘can i have more cream?’ they said no. i asked, ‘would you give me more cream if my name were charlie’ they said no. i said, ‘charlie will hear about this’ and left.”

Joe #link

Please, I implore you to tell me… just how is the toast?

Joe #link

eww? you mean you’re not in love with him anymore? ;-)
“no I’ve moved on to bigger, better assholes”

“vive le koobee!”

Aurelie #link

I got a decoder ring in my cereal so y’all better watch out because now it’s decoding time. Yes.

Joe #link

look! i killed a koala! i am king!

:) #link

Arkaeyn ( 1:41:10 AM): you don’t talk to me for months and then it’s a link. This had better be good, missy

Arkaeyn #link

Auto response from alicson: ‘History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.’ ~W.C.

NDN: that’s SIR W.C., and stop stealing my quotes

nostaw: I didn’t say that. those are my initials. stop stealing my initials.

NDN, nostaw #link

“i think Australians, in one form or other, all look like kangaroos.”

Evan/Patrick?: “Cho, you’re gonna live forever!”
Cho: “My back hurts.”

Evan or Patrick #link

“You need an SOPP [sexual-offense prevention policy] release for that chair.”
[re: massage chair (at Haruna’s house)]

Harold sensei #link

BEWARE. evil tab here….

Tim B. (T.A.B.) #link
Everything is safely stored in the Archives