Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

“A man who has committed a mistake and doesn’t correct it, is committing another mistake.”

Playlist pieces

what happened to the way that we always said we’d be
..that frequency inside my head that says
I’m going at it the hard way.


Please come here.. come right on over..
when we collide we’ll see what gets left over
… There is no line that you can’t step right over
Turn a new page, tear the old one out;
I’ll try to see things your way
and I’m gonna love you anyway.


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“I’m so angry at little ice cream sundae joshers.”

Matt K. #link

“That would be a logical fallacy: argumentum ad somethingum.”

Amit P. #link

“yo yo wiggidy wiggidy whak! poppy goes back!”

Matt K. 4Apr02 #link

“whatever, I doubt I’ll die while having sex, but if I do, I guess I’ll just have to eat my words….I’m sure the survey is very scientific ”

Emilie 4Apr02 #link

“Invalid Sync.”

Amit 3Mar02 #link

“well it’s my damn cake and u can’t have it because you’re a punk and punks don’t eat my cake”

Joe #link

“your mind is disciplined with your spirit. now if only your mind were disciplined with your body, you may actually not be lazy.”

amit #link

“it’s not a superiority complex. it’s a matter of fact.”

Q 2Feb02 #link

i insist on more daylight.

2Feb02 #link

(True Story) On the final exam of a psychology course, the professor put a chair on his desk and said

unknown 2Feb02 #link

“Let us reign some doom down upon the filthy heads of our doomed enemies!”
“I’m going to sing the doom song now! ‘Doom doom doom doom…’” [courtesy of pythonite]

unknown #link

italian. hispanican. same difference.

:) #link

“fruit on the bottom, hope on top.” [re: yogurt]

mitch hedburg #link

nostaw: you’re vagina-enriched.
alicson: WHAT!!
nostaw: you heard me. : )
alicson: unfortunately so

nostaw #link

“seriously if someone can tell me they honestly knows what true love is…...........and they know ‘how to handle a woman’s body’ then they got me beat” [in case unapparent, speaker is male]

v.w. #link

“I want punch and pie... I was told that there would be punch and pie. I WANT PUNCH AND PIE.”

Joe M. #link

“you want to feel my pants? come on, feel my pants!”

Lorense #link

“Alicson, you are the smartest girl that I know.”

(see previous riciculousness)

Amit P. #link


Capricorn: Your irrational fear of doctors will finally disappear this week and be replaced by a very rational, justified fear of them.
Aquarius: You will wish you had heeded your mother’s warnings concerning pickle consumption when you suddenly turn into one of the briny cucumbers.
Pisces: Your mama jokes will earn you many laughs.

Joe #link

“I put a button on it!..yes. I wish to press it, but I'm not sure what will happen if I do...”

Titan A.E. 2Feb02 #link
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