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"He who forgets, will be destined to remember..."

instead of epic items, I save something I love

re: World of Warcraft versus Saving Antioch College

“guys, I’ve found a purpose in life. It’s like a 400-person raid. But instead of epic items, I save something I love.”

This is a true quote by R Posted at 8:13pm on 28 June 2007.

Comments on instead of epic items, I save something I love

  1. I have visited your site 701-times

    commented Mon 03 Sep 2007, 9:49:18 PM :: link
  2. Your site found in Google: <a href=“http://google.com/search?q=xoc”>position133</a>

    commented Mon 03 Sep 2007, 9:49:37 PM :: link
  3. I could not find this site in the Search Engines index

    commented Mon 03 Sep 2007, 9:51:04 PM :: link
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