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"He who forgets, will be destined to remember..."

Josh Ritter - Come and Find Me

if i could trace the line that ran
between your smile and your sleight of hand
i’d guess that you put something up my sleeve
now every time i see your face, the bells ring in a far-off place
we can find each other this way, i believe.

from the hills and up behind my town
is naked from the horizon down .. the curvature is pressed against the raise
and we walked up in the fields alone
and the silence fell just like a stone that got lost in the wild blue and the gravel grey

come and find me now

though i’m here in this far off place,
my air is not this time and space
i draw you close with every breath
you don’t know it’s right until it’s wrong
You don’t know it’s yours until it’s gone
i didn’t know that it was home ‘til you up and left

come and find me now

i keep you in a flower vase
with your fatalism and crooked face
with the daisies and the violet brocades
and I keep me in a vacant lot
in the ivies, forget-me-nots
hoping you will come and untangle me one of these days

come and find me now

These lyrics are by Josh Ritter, from Come and Find Me. Posted at 9:32am on 21 March 2005.
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