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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

18 October 2007 Thursday


slated in lyrics, mused at 4:49 pm

bits / praises … words and phrases (…)
[..and hope for what we’ve meant to mean..]
keep it kind keep it good keep it right
he who forgets
someone you can say goodbye to
three miles
if you’re sleeping are you dreaming
only finger-lengths I see
crimson and clover
if living is giving
once I almost
every carcrash every mis-step
washed away in chain reactions
through thousands upon thousands of honest lines
we are like the northern sky
I don’t know darling…we’re coming to the chorus now
only a full house
the weight of water
still beating
if I spent myself til nothing’s left
make me happy to be home again
everything counts a little more than we think
and detroit waves

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