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"He who forgets, will be destined to remember..."

Dashboard Confessional - Ghost of a Good Thing

I guess it’s luck, but it’s the same.
Hard luck, you’ve been trying to tame.
Maybe it’s love, but it’s like you said—Love is like a role that we play.
But I believe in you so much, I could die for the words that you say.
But I believe in you so much, I could die from the words that you say.
But you’re chasing the ghost of a good thing—haunting yourself as the real is getting away from you again, while you’re chasing on ghosts.
Just burn the pieces ‘til they fit, like they were meant for it—but they weren’t meant for this; no they weren’t meant for this.

These lyrics are by Dashboard Confessional, from Ghost of a Good Thing. Posted at 8:04am on 25 April 2005.
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