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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

We can live with dignity; we can’t die with it.

Playlist pieces

I can’t always trust as much as you deceive


If this is real, let me walk you home again


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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

28 October 2024 Monday

slated in mused, as so at 10:42 am

We’ll have to know the answer is “For me”.

13 October 2024 Sunday

Time is notably personal to beholder and nonbinding to others' needs and perceptions

slated in mused at 1:13 pm

One of the best and most important lessons I have really learned is that time moves differently for everyone and that my expectations and needs and wants and perceptions of time, as well as and what I need or want from someone else and the timeframe in which I expect it, is very different from their perception of time, and has little to No grounding in Reality nor Reason.

09 October 2024 Wednesday

slated in mused at 2:18 pm

“you’re a delicate flower”
“most flowers are very resilient”

Brilliant Minds 1.03

Empathy. Strength.

27 March 2020 Friday

slated in mused at 1:33 am

I don’t need answers the same way I used to. I still have all the questions. I’m okay with that. I still love to have answers and I still would rather know than not know. I still feel I’m an invasive species, however it’s very selective now; I’m disinclined to pry.

I still believe in truth and love the idea of it, though I know that truth and reality are not the same, and truths are subject to all the lenses — perspective and time and the beholder and the writer and the accompanying foundational truths and compounded truths.

13 August 2019 Tuesday

slated in moments, mused at 7:18 pm

Similar experiences, different habits and responses. We are meaning machines. Love is the bridge, choice/personal-responsibility is the power. Happiness is a favorite habit and breathing is a new one of which I will be world+ class. If we’ve really learned it, we can teach it. Best is living it, loving it, together.

08 May 2019 Wednesday


I am really surprised I never noted Ani DiFranco’s Fuel here, neither complete lyrics nor excerpt. I have referenced it, at least in 2007; feels underrepresented, given how much it’s cycled through my head the past many years.

23 April 2019 Tuesday

I have had it with all these constant nonsense ships

slated in mainstream, mused at 7:06 pm

Why is EVERYONE constantly making any two people a romantic ship these days if they’re seen on screen together for all of two seconds? It is Not sane and it has Bad implications for the real world, and assumptions and approaches and expectations and interpretations. Two happy seconds with a person does Not mean a whole thing.

14 January 2019 Monday

Whatever it turns out you are

slated in mused, mainstream at 8:44 pm

One of my favorite lines from The Magicians is “I’m the official sidekick to whatever it turns out you are.“ I like it for several reasons, and I like that the show is such a ridiculous and realistic and absurd mash of relationships and people and friendships and sexual experiences and even the ones that despise each other still come through and protect one another and it’s real friendship and love, never mind where they are in which official/technical/past/potential/whatever relationships.

15 September 2018 Saturday

slated in mused at 5:11 am

Children are generally happy because they do what they do and be what they are or even pretend to be what they want to be without second guessing if it’s okay or they did it right or what will happen if they do or don’t. Anxiety and unhappiness live in the thinking over the past and in the thinking over the possible futures, and in the dissatisfaction/resistance to actual and possible. Joy is in the accepting/embracing/loving oneself and surroundings all as is/may be.

31 August 2018 Friday

slated in mused at 10:51 pm

Are all days beautiful? Probably no. And actually yes. My lifetime experience so far assures me there are days that seem and feel awful, with disappointments and injustices and fears and damages; and my lifetime experience so far assures me that new days come, and opportunities and possibilities are born of and borne upon our past days and paths and choices; and favorite days are connected back to difficult days; and while there may be plenty to leave behind, if they had not been then neither would we; maybe sometimes that could seem preferable, yet would you give, risk, trade your good days to negate the “bad”, and the people you love and impact that rely on your days as they were, to be where and who they are too?; we all impact, all are impacted by our past experiences and growth, our future hopes and expectations. Worthwhile at what point? That may be up to us.

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