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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

30 August 2017 Wednesday


slated in mused at 1:57 am

I’m grateful the past does not dictate the future. The Mindvalley Reunion in San Diego was a great experience all around; very glad for the teachers, classmates, the total attitude of humanity+. Also happy for LA friends and beautiful skies and city skylines and my healthy happy family. So strange that August is nearly over, I’m still surprised it’s already August; these are my common refrains and I wonder when/if they leave me. What do I look like when I’m through? I’m already pleased, satisfied, and very grateful for the journey, fast and slow as it is, as I am. And happy birthday dear Evadne, I’m so lucky to have you in my life and we’ve seen and shared so much good already and the best is yet to come.

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