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"He who forgets, will be destined to remember..."

things in life will catch your eye

“There are many things in life that will catch your eye.
But only a few will catch your heart. Pursue those.”

This is a quote of unknown. Posted at 8:44pm on 15 June 2005.

Comments on things in life will catch your eye

  1. Tom Cantrell

    RE: “Ferrydust”

    Ferry? Don’t you mean “Fairy” or “Faerie?”

    Other than that this is a beautiful site (Pun unintended and notwithstanding.)

    commented Sat 29 Mar 2008, 12:38:14 AM :: link
  2. It’s certainly a play on words, but I definitely mean ferry, as in a carrier/transport of people and things.

    Everything leaves a trail, whether visible to others or not. Everything in the universe has a wake of varying size/significance.

    I guess the simplest way to verbalize what I was describing is that ferrydust is the fragments of context that make and mark the trail; the wake of the ferry/carrier/journey.

    That, caped in the magic/enchantment of fairy/faerie/pixie dust. :)

    I don’t mean for the explanation to seem elaborate or complicated.. it’s hard to succinctly describe a feeling. The name and understanding came quickly; the explanation to myself (and to others), less so. But it’s the same since inception.

    And thank you.

    commented Sun 30 Mar 2008, 7:14:16 AM :: link
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