Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

Predictions may be about the future, but they’re made up of the past.

Decision commands result.

~2009/01/06 Tuesday 2:10pm

Playlist pieces

I know,
someday I might be looking around, trying to find some purpose.
Well, purpose can’t be that hard to find, as long as I’ve got the wind, the wind and your love to carry me.


My mind was willing and my spirit was strong..
I have seen by degrees the boiling point come and go.
How high your highest of heights? How low are your lows?


Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map

Gaiate: Let me just say this: don’t trust purple-haired priests.

Gaiate #link ridiculi

i’m not an angel. “you are to me.”

“The light just changed from yellow to red. Is it now less delicious than it was? Sometimes I just don’t understand you.”

Will K. (aka: Dad) #link ridiculi

“you have memorable legs.”

anonymous #link ridiculi

do the lil bugs bite?
“what lil bugs?”
they’re itty bitty and tiny

ali, a.p. 23Sep02 #link ridiculi

NoStaw: but DAMN that pic, her breasts really magnified. hehe. it’s like two babies. yeah, she’s in the club. you can tell. she HEADS the club.
alicson: the club?
NoStaw: the future wives of watson club.

NoStaw 9Sep02 #link ridiculi

NDN: a curse upon seth insaaf

Lie to your plants. Reprimand any disorderly nachos and punish accordingly.

cnostaw: berto and I are funny people.
cnostaw: actually, were.. I don’t think we have that spark anymore.
cnostaw: I need to find another hispanic friend. a fresh one.

nostaw #link ridiculi

“if a man speaks in a forest, and his wife isn’t there, is he still wrong?”

unknown #link ridiculi

crying’s for babies, little girls, and men who have just had their ears ripped off.

JoyServ #link ridiculi

No Staw: I’m gonna go play a game now, where I shoot people, instead of worrying if they’re gonna climb a freakin mountain for me. [referring to quoted lyrics in an away message]

No Staw #link ridiculi

click this to be confused. if that link is out of order, click this or just run a web search for “kan guo lai”

Overheard at a homeless shelter: “Why won’t you meddling do-gooders LISTEN? I LIKE to live under a bridge and eat goats!...” [courtesy of Roskronos]

unknown 8Aug02 #link ridiculi

“Programming is like sex – one mistake and you’re supporting it forever.” [courtesy of izzyadidas]

anonymous 8Aug02 #link ridiculi

As part of the university's new policy of not being so mean to Duke, the following mean anti-Duke signs were replaced with more diplomatic language:

unknown #link ridiculi

“Yeah, by trying to get out of here to watch a bunch of drunken ho’s show their boobies for no reason?”
“Not for no reason, they do it for beads!”
[courtesy of pythonite]

unknown #link ridiculi

Gaiate: I'm a bit slap happy right now . . .

alicson: what'd she do?

Gaiate: :-D hee . . .

Gaiate #link ridiculi

Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road

ERNEST HEMINGWAY: To die. In the rain.

PAT BUCHANAN: To steal a job from a decent, hardworking American.

DR. SEUSS: Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes, the chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed, I've not been told!

unknown; online #link ridiculi

Last count of online sinners quoting Dave Matthews: 10

Everything is safely stored in the Archives