Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally bad, but by people being fundamentally people.


Playlist pieces

You won’t find it in her weakness; you’ll find it in yourself.
Climb cautiously—but don’t do it for me.


she only knows that tonight there’s always someone out there — she’ll never be alone.


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“I’m so angry at little ice cream sundae joshers.”

Matt K. #link ridiculi

“That would be a logical fallacy: argumentum ad somethingum.”

Amit P. #link ridiculi

“yo yo wiggidy wiggidy whak! poppy goes back!”

Matt K. 4Apr02 #link ridiculi

“whatever, I doubt I’ll die while having sex, but if I do, I guess I’ll just have to eat my words….I’m sure the survey is very scientific ”

Emilie 4Apr02 #link ridiculi

“Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them.”

Washington Irving #link quotes

“Invalid Sync.”

Amit 3Mar02 #link ridiculi

“well it’s my damn cake and u can’t have it because you’re a punk and punks don’t eat my cake”

“your mind is disciplined with your spirit. now if only your mind were disciplined with your body, you may actually not be lazy.”

“Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly.”

unknown 2Feb02 #link quotes

“We need people in our lives with whom we can be as open as possible. To have real conversation with people may seem like such a simple, obvious suggestion, but it involves courage and risk.”

Thomas Moore 2Feb02 #link quotes

“living is a thing you do
now or never—which do you?”

Piet Hein 2Feb02 #link quotes

“it’s not a superiority complex. it’s a matter of fact.”

Q 2Feb02 #link ridiculi, quotes

“they say that i can move the mountains and send them falling to the sea. they say that i can walk on water if i would follow and believe with faith like a child.”

Jars of Clay - Faith Like A Child 2Feb02 #link lyrics

“ojala que las hojas no te toquen el cuerpo cuando caigan para que no las puedas convertir en cristal
[hopefully the leaves won’t touch your body when they fall so they will not be transformed into crystal]”

Silvio Rodriguez - Ojala 2Feb02 #link lyrics

“soaring on the wings of selfish pride i flew too high and like Icharus i collide… to turn away and not become another nail to pierce the skin of one who loves more deeply than the oceans, more abundant than the tears of a world—embracing every heartache..”

Jars of Clay - Worlds Apart 2Feb02 #link lyrics

“i don’t think you notice when you see my face i guess you’re waiting to spin me around again wheels i guess are turning somewhere inside my head i know that this is deeper than you get. ..so much for talking, it’s all been said before; i’m hearing something, but i wish you’d just say more.”

Vertical Horizon - Finding Me 2Feb02 #link lyrics

”...the wind of multiple wings rustling in the distance, gracefully whispering the ingredients of a miracle…”

Little T and One Track Mike - Snow Angel 2Feb02 #link lyrics

“if you need some transportation from a world of tribulation, tell me your destination; i’ll be your ride. if you’re out of inspiration, all you feel is desperation; consider this your invitation; i’ll be your ride…”

Amanda Marshall - Ride 2Feb02 #link lyrics

“there’s a wall in your heart that no one can get through. and it’s cold and it’s dark and you don’t have a clue. but this wall, it will fall, if it’s the last thing i do. i’ll get through this wall in your heart.”

Shelby Lynne - Wall In Your Heart 2Feb02 #link lyrics

you should never let the sun set on tomorrow before the sun rises today.

Nine Days - If I Am 2Feb02 #link lyrics
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