Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

“Platonic friendship: the interval between the introduction and the first kiss.”

Playlist pieces

I’ll concentrate on changing ‘cause I’m much too young… to stay this way.


“they say that i can move the mountains and send them falling to the sea. they say that i can walk on water if i would follow and believe with faith like a child.”

Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map

“what a dumb dumb i am.”

Will K. 5May00 #link

“sometimes i just don’t understand you”

A.U. 30Apr00 #link

“I sweat. r. -t.”

Watson 30Apr00 #link


Amit P. 28Apr00 #link

“xxx left me with quotes…the word ‘psycho’ is now redefined… God save us all.”

wxxx 28Apr00 #link

“man, the clothes don’t come [completely] off…except if you have time. …i mean like, dude, if you’ve got five minutes….”

Amit P. 15Apr00 #link

“cafeine and ritalin help me now”

Matt M. 4Apr00 #link

“girls are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo strange, has anyone ever said that you are a lobster? I don’t think I’m a lobster”

Matt K. 4Apr00 #link

Stop assaulting my strawberries!

:) 1Apr00 #link

“Aahhhh!! Leave me alone I have hair in my face! ….I am not hair-proof.”

Matt K. 31Mar00 #link

“and i talk to myself again. i like to myself. talk. yup.”

Amit P. 22Mar00 #link

“doesn’t that hurt? Random bob. parking your head on the keyboard, I mean….good grief. this [omniali homepage] is better than the Sunday Washington Post. At least it’s about someone i know. can you add crossword puzzles?”

Bob 22Mar00 #link

“do you have hamster dance on here? what kind of a website….how can you call this a website if you don’t have hamster dance?”

Will K. (aka: Dad) 14Mar00 #link

thank god for bathrooms!

:) 13Mar00 #link

“i WILL not become a Terp Transvestite”

Tim B. 13Mar00 #link

i’m not a cracker…maybe just a cookie.

:) 9Mar00 #link

“you know you’re in college when you have seven dollars left in quarters to last you throughout the rest of the term, and you spend four bucks on a box of girlscout cookies.”

John G. 8Mar00 #link

“It seems like an easy concept to grasp, but people don’t seem to understand it as easily as they should.”

Watson C. 3Mar00 #link

“alicson, i swear to god…wait…i don’t [necessarily] believe in god… i swear to you….”

Amit P. 3Mar00 #link

“you’re getting random numbers 816 998 509 131 35 991 625 6556 256 <secret messege could be here> 2 2272 410 134 979 836 964”

Matt K. 2Feb00 #link
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