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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

01 April 2004 Thursday

bit by bit ...

slated in at 10:28 am

don’t i already have an entry under this title? probably. well, if so, then the content is of the same subject. i’ve been updating the site design.. it seems to be just to satisfy some aesthetic craving, but it’s actually out of a necessity to reconfigure (a bit) my original design plan. i haven’t wanted to veer from it too much because i’m pleased that i was able to draw out something onto paper, without a known pattern to follow, and then was able to translate pretty much exactly into what i wanted in web-form. i like it. but actualizing it had proven that some hopeful elements of it are not quite as practical as they’d seemed on paper. so i’ve been working on ways to tweak the design without discarding much of it, in order to accomodate functionality. functionality should be the priority, after all. that this site was born from design, less than function, does not really make that less true. it’s a continuing work in progress. still not ready for an audience/participators. which is just as well.

there’s a lot of grey out today. and the giant cloud outside like a heavy curtain draped closed across the sky, spilling rain instead of sunlight—all excused by a promise that in exchange will surely come color and confident greens; the dedicated heralders and bearers of continual hope and trust that every spring will come, and every grey shall not stay.

Comments on bit by bit ...

  1. me
    if possible, on the comment section. the top bar that says 'rasasayang.net' might look more interesting if there were a fade out effect. from purple on the left to a lighter shade as it moves towards the right.
    commented Thu 01 Apr 2004, 12:30:59 PM :: link
  2. absolutely that's one of the things i haven't quite gotten to yet. i gave this 'comments form' a quick drape, but haven't gotten to things like that yet.. i noted to myself yesterday that i should lighten that title bar sooner than later. i'll make it even sooner. thanks for the feedback. (feed --> food --> michelin-tire-guy-looking babies)
    commented Thu 01 Apr 2004, 12:47:47 PM :: link
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