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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

24 July 2008 Thursday

Playlist 07/23 - 07/25/2008

slated in playlists at 7:25 pm

Jukebox The Ghost – Hold It In [lyrics]
Jukebox the GhostGood Day [listen] [lyrics]

Am loving TheSixtyOne. I just need to be able to scrobble to last.fm, and then happiness++

*update 07/25/2008: I am having entirely too much fun with Good Day (that one particularly, since it’s on thesixtyone)..
So I had picked up Hold It In, (possibly from Pandora?) and had really liked it so I searched and managed to find a free copy to download.. and was listening to that on repeat ~two days ago.. and then my friend sent me the link to thesixtyone.com and at first it was uninteresting to me, but I saw Jukebox the Ghost on it pretty quickly, and then was happy .. and have been happy ever since.
The song has been running through my head now for nearly 3 days, and I am still having fun with it.

di-i-id everybody say what a good day that it was? for everybody who said what a good day that it was, did they smile cuz they liked it? did they smile cuz they liked it, did they? wha-oh did everybody say what a good day that it was? for everybody who said what a good day that it was, did they smile cuz they liked it? did they smile cuz they liked it, did they? wha-oh-a-oh…

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