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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

22 November 2004 Monday

happy birthday Victor o^_^o

slated in days at 6:02 am

Dear Victor, the reverent and venerable*.

Hwell. Practically halfway to 30. How does it feel? Probably even better after you get a couple (dozen) slices of cake in you… but then… maybe later while all that cake is digesting.. then it might not feel quite so good.
But it gets better. Especially if you acquire some ice cream.

I hope you’re writing these past years down. Cuz you’ll never believe yourself later when you’re trying to remember; or when someon else is remembering your younger self to your older self. You know how in Jack and Bobby, it’s cool because you get to see this unique, young boy.. and you know that he grows up to become someone great and influential and widely loved. Well, I really don’t know exactly who you’ll grow up to be and what you’ll end up doing with the world, but knowing you now is like looking at Bobby, always knowing he’s already a greater person than anyone can expect.

It’s a little weird, referring to characters in a TV show.. but I figure you grasp what I’m trying to convey.

Your world will become increasingly interesting, and you’ll become increasingly interesting to the world.

That’s what I’m saying.

So Happy Birthday, Victor. Today’s a good day for everyone.

*you should know that i wanted very much to use the ‘word’ “reverable”, but apparently it’s been reserved for those cooking companies and similar oddities referring to Paul Revere. as if he ever did anything to deserve it. humph.

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