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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

25 August 2006 Friday

over half past midnight and over half past August too

slated in moments at 7:43 am

*wants to sleep* but being out of commission for almost three full days+nights = double crunchtime or something of the sort.
So I’m up, later than my usual preference, and plugging away quite diligently.
I don’t think it’s my state of health anymore that it’s been kinda warm (in my room) lately..
discovered welch’s frozen juice mix in the freezer which was a *godsend* since I have been really really really really wanting cold juice since sunday night (not a common craving for me.. but I guess it sort of has been lately?).. but couldn’t drive out to the store so… I’ve been juiceless. anyway, I’m grateful for the juice.

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