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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

17 November 2002 Sunday

x.indians aren't asian

slated in stuff at 1:40 am
alicson: create a xanga site.
alicson: i require more non-asians on this thing.
alicson: that means you.
alicson: you and your pasi.
alicson: passe
NDN: i am asian!
alicson: posse.
alicson: yay ;-)
alicson: you are NOT asian!
alicson: you are indian!
alicson: in-di-an.
alicson: as-i-an
alicson: NOT the same!
NDN: indian is mynation heritage
NDN: asian is my continental heritage
alicson: you lie.
NDN: Main Entry: 1Asian
Pronunciation: ‘A-zh&n also -sh&n
Function: adjective
Date: 1550
: of, relating to, or characteristic of the continent of Asia or its people
alicson: you’re a wannabe.
NDN: india
alicson: india is a subcontinent
NDN: is in asia
alicson: they only lump it with asia cuz no one wants to count india by itself
alicson: so we throw it in with asia to make it feel better about itself
alicson: as if it counted for something.
alicson: trust me. you’re not asian.
NDN: asians are not just slanty-eyed people!!
alicson: yes they are!!!

Comments on x.indians aren't asian

  1. that’s so rude!!

    commented Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:46:26 AM :: link
  2. @the lioness
    I’m not sure if you’re chiding me for calling Asians “slanty-eyed people” or calling Indians their own entity independent of Asia…
    In either case, this is a conversation between friends who are both quite comfortable with their cultural and blood heritage and ethnicity as well as their citizenship, family background, and general sense of identity.
    That, mixed with friendship and good naturedness, renders the argument on either side a distant and inconsequential second to the whole point of the conversation: an invitation to join a social site cloaked in friendly banter.

    commented Tue 18 Nov 2008, 1:57:48 AM :: link
  3. Navan

    What kind of arguement is this? That is pathetic. Indians are Asians, period. Stop using your American stereotyping. Go to some other part of the world for once. To the British, Indians are among the only “Asians”.

    And wtf is up with “we just put it as asia to not make them feel bad, is if it counts for anything”

    That is bullshit. That’s like saying “We classify the platypus as a mammal only because we don’t want to give it its own genus, kingdom, tribe, or other classification and we don’t want to make them feel bad. As if it counts for anything.”

    The fact is you’re an uneducated American child. Grow up, will you? That is the biggest piece of crap I ever heard. It is a part of Asia because it is in Asia. Period. It is in Asia as much as China and Japan are.

    Seriously, go to school and stop making orientals look like uneducated chinks!

    commented Tue 10 Feb 2009, 3:47:42 AM :: link
  4. Navan

    And if you want details, go to:


    Btw, that stupid thing you put about “In-di-ans” and “A-si-ans”? How about this…

    You’re Chinese, Chi-nese, A-si-an.

    You’re Japanese, Ja-pa-nese, A-si-ans.

    At least “Indian” is closer to “Asian” than “Chinese”, “Japanese”, “Vietnamese”, “Mongolian”, etc.

    commented Fri 13 Feb 2009, 8:25:18 PM :: link
  5. Goodness. This post is from 2002. As I already explained, it was an inane conversation between two friends who are both very comfortable with their mutual respect for each other and their cultural backgrounds and nationality. My friends, Indian or otherwise, do not doubt my respect for Indians or other Asians, etc., nor would/should they take offense/personally/seriously any of the statements in this post.

    Of course the statements are stupid. The whole thing is stupid. I’m not sure how to explain it to someone who doesn’t get that the stupidity plainly reveals how meaningless and unserious the conversation was. I was inviting a friend to join a website. That’s what the whole thing was about. It’s not about you or your national origin, or anyone else’s.

    I forget too often how sensitive most people are and how insecure many are of their own racial backgrounds. There’s another post on this site about when a friend of mine — in a moment of general, good-hearted frustration at life — once announced, “I hate China” (though he actually appreciates and respects it very much). —Perhaps you’d like to add some educational comments there; you’d be in like company.

    I hope that, despite your comments, you’re a happier and more open-minded person in real life than simply one who judges a person based on a seven-year-old conversation from which you have disregarded all context.

    commented Fri 13 Feb 2009, 10:03:54 PM :: link
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