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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

30 September 2006 Saturday

Google Talk Music Trends

slated in stuff at 9:42 pm

A feature of Google Talk (for those of you not on it yet!) is to have your currently played music track show as your “away” message..
And the above screenshot shows the tallied data of all GTalk users in general. I really like that Chasing Cars happens to be #1 on that list. Good song. Good taste, Google Talk music listeners. I approve. Fray being second is also sensible by me, as is Panic! at 6. Fray’s also currently at #12, Coldplay has two entries before 17, and …in general it’s reasonably good poppish music.

Comments on Google Talk Music Trends

  1. I’m assuming it runs in tandem with your default music player (e.g., iTunes, winamp, windows music player), right? Seems like a fun player…now only if I could make it work with my iPod when I’m in my office…same thing with last.fm…

    Though I also just realized it’s Gtalk, not the “light” version that I use with Gmail…

    So…essentially this is a moo point.

    commented Sun 01 Oct 2006, 6:15:42 PM :: link
  2. yep, runs along iTunes/Winamp. (Why would anyone ever use WMP?)
    It’s not a player.. just nice to contribute to the statistics and make it seem like Google Talk people have superior musical taste :)

    commented Mon 02 Oct 2006, 1:23:50 AM :: link
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