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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

23 October 2006 Monday

Desktop wallpaper brightness

slated in as so at 5:48 pm

I suppose if I’d ever thought about it, it would’ve have made good sense…

My eyes have been particularly strained this past week; I’ve spent a considerable amount of time in front of my computer screens at odd hours, and of course this is stressful on my eyes. What I hadn’t really thought about, though, was that about a week ago I had also changed my desktop wallpaper backgrounds to images of very bright rainbow colors across..

These images spanned across my two monitors and basically meant constant brightness at my eyes. Realized ~3 days ago that the bright white was hurting my eyes more in the middle of the night and dark than would a black/darker screen.

So, dark backgrounds = better. Have bright/flashy screensavers or something.

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