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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

03 March 2004 Wednesday

God and Perfection

slated in mused at 12:46 pm

“To fall in love is to create a religion that has a fallible god.” ~Jorge Luis Borges

9:20am~ worshipers of god—fulfilling a seemingly desperate human need for infallibility.. for perfection.
Buddha = enlightenment = perfection …
God = omni-omni = perfection …
and blasphemous to consider that God could be fallible.

does Christianity/Catholicsm stipulate that God is perfect? ~*~ lingua->
men are constantly judged (ultimately by God) as “good” or “bad”.. and are universally recognized to be fundamentally, completely, essentially, ultimately imperfect beings.
‘but God can judge us because God is Perfect..’
and ‘God does not make mistakes’.

i would say (in accordance with my belief that God is as fallible as conscious is… and far more so if subject to similar emotions/motivations as man—which i am very skeptical of/interested in).. there ‘are no mistakes’.. there simply is what is and is not.. what happened and didn’t…—by that point, if what is or is not, is contrary to desire/expectation, then it is a mistake.
so further.. presume God to have desires and expectations. if others can do things to disappoint him, then whose mistake? is a choice to trust/gamble/expect falsely/incorrectly not a mistake? perhaps not.. if not, then it is because it just is.

9:40am~ in general, heroes, idols, gods… objects of worship are followed blindly because they are omni-__ ... they can do no wrong.
one can be loved despite/for their imperfections..
but one is worshipped for their perfection.
what about love of God? is he loved through/for his mistakes/vulnerability(ies).? offhandedly, i venture: no. he’s loved for accepting our imperfections (at best intention).

p.s. i got the ‘94 maxima. hereforth dubbed, “bluey”. (and mom wants to steal my license plate(s))
also, my supervisor at work commented today… within minutes of handing me a long assignment..: “And are you done with this yet?—you being you, I thought it was a fair question.”

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