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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

18 October 2007 Thursday

I've decided/I believe...

slated in mused at 5:09 pm

...ice cream sundae parties should be a weekly thing.
...I’m terrible at thinking astrology at 2-3am.
...there are too many people and years in the world to be completely unique or alone.
...I want to experience “too much” desktop(screen/monitor) real estate.
...immortality or guaranteed longevity would totally change all rules, yet we barely appreciate/acknowledge the “rules” as is.
...a (chocolate glazed) do[ugh]nut a day is the eating my way.
...less is more, but, even then, more is really more more and with less it seems more and is still more.
...I like and dislike the deliberate phrasings of those last two.
...more than I have cause for. but I still do.

Comments on I've decided/I believe...

  1. ali

    i wish i could be that decisive about what i do and dont like

    commented Tue 23 Oct 2007, 9:25:49 PM :: link
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